View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
01-25-2010, 9:26 AM
25 Jan 2010

Good Morning Everyone,
It's been a long hard week for me at the day job and this week is going to be even a longer hard week. There hasn't been any real time for the shop, but I do have a few projects to get done (if I can ever get the time to do them).

I have cutting boards to make, a steamer style trunk to make for my daughter, and chairs to repair for a lady at church.

My time off this week is getting cut short due to projects/workload at work. So I'd better enjoy today while I can.

Well, that's it for me...what did YOU do this past weekend??

Best of weeks to you all.

Derek Gilmer
01-25-2010, 9:39 AM
I got lucky and had quite a bit of shop time this weekend.

About 4 hours saturday was spent to cleaning and organizing the shop so I could make use of all the space I have. Then I built a quick and dirty outfeed table for the table saw. Sunday was spend using the outfeed table to rip up some cherry lumber I had laying around :D


Jerome Hanby
01-25-2010, 9:40 AM
Got my Woodcraft Freud Combo Router and table assembled and working. Played with some Lock Miter joint cutting. The fine adjustments on the Router and the tables fence make my old setup seem pretty pathetic. The router will adjust to an above the table height for bit changes and the has a pretty ingenious setup to lock the shaft from above the table. I picked up a speeder wrench and an Allen key socket and I can crank the router up for bit changes without much effort. Also got into the Incra Build It kit I bought and assembled the coping sled. I wouldn't say that the Incra system is a cost effective system for building jigs, but for jigs that you use once in a blue moon, I'd say the system is tailor made. Since new Incra panels (cut from 5/8" MDF) are about the same cost each as an entire sheet of MDF, I think I'll pick up a sheet and mass produce a few of the panels.

Matt Meiser
01-25-2010, 9:46 AM
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you Dennis. I worked late almost every day last week. Saturday morning another creeker and I went to pick up some sheet goods we each needed. In the afternoon, LOML and I did our monthly-ish Costco trip and went to all the big box stores and a kitchen design showroom to look for ideas for our kitchen. Saturday evening and all day Sunday I worked. Last night LOML and I went out to dinner and then went to see Rascal Flatts and Darius Rucker in concert at the new arena in Toledo. She'd asked for tickets for Christmas and I found that the pre-buy for fan club members wasn't too bad so I did that-we ended up in the 5th row.

Dave Gaul
01-25-2010, 9:49 AM
Step daughter's (well, soon to be!) birthday this weekend (now we have THREE teenaged girls in the house!!!), so of course that was priority!

Still managed to continue to re-organize my shop around the new R4511 TS, built a couple temporary MDF cabinets for shop supplies/tools...

Hope everyone had a good one!

Rob Young
01-25-2010, 9:56 AM
On the 4th Sunday of the month, the Kansas City Wood Workers Guild has a hand tool special interest group meeting. We get together for a few hours and shoot the breeze (and perhaps some end grain).

I've been taking my toys along in cardboard boxes or grocery sacks. Getting a little tired of the ribbing so I made this on Saturday. Based it on a design I saw in a book by Steve Olesin. On a side note, inter-library loan is a great thing.

Mine is about 25" by 9" by 4" deep. Made from some left over clear pine, hand cut dovetails and through mortise and tenons to hold the bottom and side. Yes, the bottom is held by mortise and tenon instead of grooves. Seems sturdy enough but I did add glue blocks on the bottom for a little extra support in the middle.

Handtools except for initial dimensioning of the pine. For that the power tools. ;)

Hacked it together pretty quickly so unfortunately I over cut my base line a few places and got a little pare-happy in others. Still, more fun than cutting practice dovetails without a project in mind.

Chad Easterling
01-25-2010, 10:16 AM
Well, Friday afternoon my new Grizzly 0444Z tablesaw came in. Spent most of the afternoon/evening assembling the TS and spending time with the family.

Saturday morning got up at 3:00 AM and finished assembling the TS. Went to the church at 7:30 and worked the concession stand until 10:30. Left there and took my son to pick out a new puppy to replace the one he lost suddenly last week (seizure and never recovered). From there went to a monster truck rally and finally back home at 7:00PM. Pretty much crashed after that.

Sunday got up and wired the 220 circuit for the TS and gave it a try. Spent the next couple of hours discussing an issue with the TS belt guard here on the Creek. Spent Sunday afternoon building drawers for the entertainment center I am working on (and loving the new TS :D). Spent Sunday evening playing with my son and his new puppy.

Jim O'Dell
01-25-2010, 2:53 PM
Worked out a few bugs and problems I created with my mobile base, then watched the paint dry on it Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday!! :( Sure wanted to get it put together.
On a good note, if the hammered green paint to match the trim on the new saw works on wood (will be trying a test piece...some information on the web says it will if primed right, some information doesn't mention wood as working) I found a cheap place to buy it by the qt! Now if I can find the thinner to clean the brush when I use it! Will normal thinner work??? NOOOOOO. :confused: Jim.

Jim Dunn
01-25-2010, 3:06 PM
Got me some new tools

Kirk Simmons
01-25-2010, 3:10 PM
I bought a Benchdog table and plate, been building a table and drilling said plate so that i can make use of it.

Jim Becker
01-25-2010, 10:18 PM
I did a lot of sitting this weekend....


Bill Clifton
01-25-2010, 10:44 PM
Worked with the church's Handyman Ministry - laid underlayment and the stick-on tiles in a kitchen. Best crew and easiest project we have ever done. Fun, looked good and it was quick.

The No. 1 Univ. of Kentucky Wildcats tipped at 3 on Saturday.

And then worked on my plant starting table. The heritage tomato seeds got here today.

A pretty good weekend.

Leigh Betsch
01-25-2010, 11:01 PM
Burned them, mostly maple and cherry, plenty left for cutting boards for everyone.