View Full Version : Over 20,000 Pens Received !!!!!!!

Keith Outten
10-20-2004, 2:45 PM
We just received enough pens in our office today to put us over our original goal of 20,000 pens, our target for the year 2004. Our total this afternoon is 20,026 pens received and we still have over two months left in the year and major Turn-A-Thons scheduled over the next few weeks. Who knows how high our annual total will go, lets all keep pushing hard all the way to this years finish line December 31st, 2004.

Thanks to each of you who have participated, your hard work and dedication to the Freedom Pens Project is an example of what is truly great about America. We have not forgotten the people who are serving our Country and they know it based on the email we have all been receiving, this is what it is all about (Big Smile).

Those of you whose names are on the Master List of Turners and those of you who have championed our need for funds to provide pen kits and supplies please pat yourselves on the back. All of you should be very proud of your commitment to this worthy project.

Thanks again to "All Ye American Patriots" who responded to my call for help on January 16th, 2004.......


Dick Parr
10-20-2004, 5:00 PM
Your a big part of that WE Keith, Congratulations on a worthwhile project :D .

Daniel Yourdon
10-20-2004, 6:21 PM
If I can find my wy back to my shop I will be pitching in for the big finally to the year.
It is great to have reached our goal but I have to say I saw it getting reached and more way back in february.
great work everyone. now I would love to see it squashed. 30,000 by december 31st.

Bill Turpin
10-20-2004, 8:09 PM
This is what it's all about: :-)

Mr. Turpin,

I am the fortunate recipient of a beautiful pen made of bloodwood and oak that bears your name as the craftsman.

I want to say thank you for the very kind gesture and that I am proud to carry this wonderful instrument.

Warm regards,

Lieutenant Commander
Force Protection

John Miliunas
10-20-2004, 10:50 PM
I kinda' figured we'd hit the 20K mark this year, but I didn't figure it to be so early on! Way to go for ALL the supporters of the FPP! :) :cool:

Christopher Pine
10-20-2004, 10:55 PM
SO who had the 20,000th pen turned in? :)
JUst kidding!
Thanks all for the efforts and contibutions to this wonderful cause! Really is somthing special!

Alan Shaw
10-20-2004, 11:00 PM

This is great news. I have another twenty pens just about ready to send. I have been working with PSI on there turn a thon. Prepared about sixty blanks for the event. There goal for the day is between 200 and 300 pens.

Only two time slots are still available. I'll be there all day but I do have an 8:00 am time on their lathe.

Also Willow Grove Air Base has the November 11 poster posted in the air musem. I spoke with the manager today he was delighted to put it up there. They get about 200 - 300 people a week.

I finally got back into the shop yesterday. Unfortunely I was put back into the hospital back three weeks ago. Back at it again. Hope to have the pens shipped out with-in the week.

Again great work to all and to you Keith for getting this great project off the ground.

Ken Salisbury
10-21-2004, 6:15 AM

I think back to Jan 16th when only a little more than a handfull of us were trying to get this project off the ground and I suggested we set a goal of 20,000 pens in 2004. There were a few folks who accused me of smoking wacky backy. When in reality I only had a few BL's :).

My personal thanks goes out to all of you.


John M. Cioffi
10-21-2004, 6:59 AM
To EVERYONE @ SMC for all the great effort to cause this program to be a great success.
Thanks to Keith Ken & all the solid supporters, who just kept on giving.
I'm very proud of this forum!!!!! I'm very honored to be a member here!
GOD Bless you all.
John, (just a little turner).

Dave Bonde
10-21-2004, 9:31 AM
I just wanted to add my congratulations to everyone as well. I just scrolled through the master list and WOW (I hadn’t viewed it for a while) all the new names are events are fantastic. Great job to everyone – lets keep it going. Dave and Riverbend students

Waymon Campbell
10-21-2004, 11:42 AM
What an incredible accomplishment! Over 20,000 messages of support, caring, brotherhood, compassion and respect for service made possible by literally hundreds of people from all over the United States. People from all walks of life brought together with a common goal and a covenant to show our great admiration for the honorable service and sacrifices being made even as we are safe here at home.

I am truly honored to have had some small part in this endeavor. Thank you to all who have supported this project. Now let us set our sites on the next 20,000 Freedom Pens...

Aaron Koehl
10-25-2004, 11:13 AM
Congratulations to everyone!
We did it in only 9 months! (Started very end of January)

This just goes to show what kind of people woodworkers really are. Rock On!