View Full Version : 2 stage filter for my air

Robert Reece
01-24-2010, 12:12 PM
I am thinking about buying a two stage filter like the attached. Is there any reason that I can't rearrange the two filters and the regulator so that the air enters the right and leaves on the left. That would make my pipe layout work a little easier.

Bruce Page
01-24-2010, 2:35 PM
It's probably a good idea to ask the manufacture directly. Drop them an email.

david a graham
01-24-2010, 2:51 PM
No problem just keep the air flow through the parts the same i.e filter , dryer, oiler or filter, dryer. depending on what you want to supply air to the oil is for air tools for example in an assembly environment.

Robert Reece
01-24-2010, 6:34 PM
Thanks for the replies.

No oiler need as I am spraying finish.

Callan Campbell
01-25-2010, 12:26 AM
Check with the supplier, many FRL[filter, regulator, lubricator] set-ups have a one way in, one way out to help with the cyclone effect through the filter. Reversing the air flow may screw with that. The particles or crud in the air coming into the filter need to swirl around, then drop out, esp any water vapor/moisture.

Bill Leonard
01-25-2010, 7:50 AM
I am thinking about buying a two stage filter like the attached. Is there any reason that I can't rearrange the two filters and the regulator so that the air enters the right and leaves on the left. That would make my pipe layout work a little easier.
You probably want to leave the entry/exit as the manufacturer intended as others have stated. If I understand your desire, simply flip the canisters180 and rotate the regulator and guage 180. Entry on right, exit on left, read pressure upside down.

Robert Reece
01-25-2010, 10:49 AM
Yeah, Bill, I think that is the best solution. I planned on reworking the regulator and shutoff anyway so I'll just flip the units 180. Hopefully the wall bracket works both ways.
It's not a huge deal either way, just makes the piping easier.