View Full Version : Looking for Delta drill press receipts

Jack Wilson
01-23-2010, 10:15 PM
Hello everyone, I am looking to pick up a delta floor model drill press from Loew's, and I know some of you have posted about this and have posted copies of your receipts, ($150), but I can't seem find those threads. Would any of you be willing to re-post your receipts so that I can print them and take them in with me as a little leverage? OR... reply with links to those posts.


hugh lonner
01-23-2010, 10:40 PM
There are some posted at the link below... (The thread is currently at the top of the deals and discounts forum, but it has the uninformative title of "y'all are going to hate me for this" so it is hard to find.)


Jack Wilson
01-23-2010, 11:01 PM
Yeah, that's it. Thanks, I was looking for it, but right, the title is pretty much nondescript.
