View Full Version : who here has snapped the tip off a bowl gouge??

Nathan Hawkes
01-22-2010, 10:05 PM
I purchased an Hamlet ASP2060(same as Packard 2060) 1/2" bowl gouge a while back from one of the major distributors, and had it snap on me the first week I used it. I'm choosing to not mention the vendor's name, as a few places carry them, and I haven't asked them to do anything about it--I'm not bad-mouthing the seller. To clarify, the gouge is the wider of the two bowl gouge flute shapes available--more of a U than a V.

At the time it happened, I chose to chalk it up to being out too far over the rest, but I want to know how many other people have done this?? The tip broke off at about 2 1/4" from the tip, no big catch or anything, just snapped. Is this uncommon? I've only heard of one person talk about a bowl gouge breaking like this, and it was described a much farther out over the tool rest than mine was. Based on several articles on the subject that I've been looking though, powder metal alloys in general seem more brittle than "standard" HSS, but this particular case seems pretty excessive. Taking too heavy a shaving with my 1/4" HSS bowl gouge extended too far over the rest yields chatter and flex, which I didn't feel before this gouge broke.

I have a few other powder metal gouges, and have taken very heavy cuts way out over the rest without issue--the crown proPM 5/8", hamlet 5/8" 2060 deep V, Doug Thompson extra long "Grumbine series" 5/8", and also a P&N HSS 5/8" supa-gouge. I realize these are larger gouges and inherently stronger than the 1/2" gouge, and that taller thicker wings on deep flute tools are stiffer, but I have put proportionately gigantic amounts more force on all those tools compared with this one.

So, anyone who can shed some light on my experience, I'd appreciate it! The steel type and size, and how much snapped off.

Bill Bolen
01-22-2010, 10:14 PM
Never even came close to having something like that happen. Being a brand name tool I must assume it had some sort of defect that allowed it to snap. Any decent vendor will exchange it for you...Bill..

Tamara Brown
01-22-2010, 10:14 PM
I snapped the end off of a fingernail gouge the first time I used it....after I stopped blubbering, the LOML called CS and they had a replacement sent to us the next day. Love that company. I still don't know if I did anything wrong or if it was defective.

Nathan Hawkes
01-22-2010, 10:28 PM
I snapped the end off of a fingernail gouge the first time I used it....after I stopped blubbering, the LOML called CS and they had a replacement sent to us the next day. Love that company. I still don't know if I did anything wrong or if it was defective.

was this recently?? and what kind was it??

Ryan Baker
01-22-2010, 10:39 PM
My reaction is that you must certainly have had a gouge with a defect already in it. It's usually pretty easy to tell from looking at the break whether there was a defect (though it may not be as obvious in a powdered metal). I would definitely go back to the dealer (or the manufacturer) and see if they will replace it.

Bernie Weishapl
01-22-2010, 10:41 PM
I would say call the company and explain the situation to them. The ones I have dealt with have made things right quickly.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-22-2010, 10:51 PM
I once had a spindle gouge break. It was given to me ...one of the cheap HF tools.

Check this link out for reference on gouge diameter vs reach length


David Hostetler
01-22-2010, 11:01 PM
I busted the tip off of a HF skew... And HF swapped it right over, no questions asked. Any reputable reseller will take the tool back, and work it out with the wholesaler or manufacturer.

Peter Lamb
01-22-2010, 11:07 PM
Somewhere in making the steel or in heat treat something was wrong. Send it back and ask for another! It is defective manufacture.
Hope you are doing well.
By the way thanks for the wood all the bowls sold quickly. Did you get anything out of the live oak?

Doug Thompson
01-22-2010, 11:35 PM
The cross section of steel had a weak spot that was created when the steel was made... it happens. Do contact the vendor and let him replace the tool it's that simple.

To break a good 1/2 diameter tool will take a lot more than extending it over the tool rest but as you can see a simple flaw is a different story. I did break a 1/2 diameter tool on purpose... put it this way I'll never try that again.

Jim Underwood
01-22-2010, 11:47 PM
I did break a 1/2 diameter tool on purpose... put it this way I'll never try that again.


Musta been one heckuva bang....

gary butcher
01-23-2010, 1:35 AM
I haven't broken a chisel yet, though I did snap the head clean off my tool rest one time :(

tom martin
01-23-2010, 3:42 AM
I just received a oneway mastercut 1/2 inch bowl gouge Wednesday to replace a week old gouge that snapped a couple of weeks ago. I called the vendor -2 sand.com and he said Oneway would like to see it. I sent it back and he gave me a $25 credit on my next order to cover the postage!
This is the second Oneway 1/2 gouge I've bought. The first is around 15 years old and my very favorite gouge.I wasn't doing anything unusual when my new one snapped. I was sweeping the outside of a bowl and plunk! the tip dropped to the floor! No big bang, no big catch, just plunk.
In looking back at it, there was one thing that was different. I live in norther Wi and it was cold. The blank I was turning was frozen. I had already knocked it down to the basic shape with other tools when I switched to my new oneway. I had made a few passes when it snapped. It occurred to me that the tip was a lot colder than the handle. I've learned up here that cold thing are a lot more brittle than warm things, but I don't know if that had anything to do with it. I hope RJ at 2 sand.com lets me know what happened once Oneway figures it out.

Nathan Hawkes
01-23-2010, 4:27 AM
Tom, it is definitely funny because the one I was referring to was a OneWay mastercut.

The situation is compounded by the fact that there seems to be a shortage of all the 2060 Hamlet tools all the sudden.

Peter, I'm glad the wood worked out for you!! I still havent sanded the bowls I turned from the wood you gave me! Come to think of it, I'd forgotten about it. I'm going to have to look for it. Its got to be somewhere among the stacks of unfinished bowls.... As far as the hand is concerned, I'm making progress, but no turning yet. I just started physical therapy, and am agressively working on the index finger! Thanks for the responses. Anyone else out there???

Gordon Seto
01-23-2010, 6:21 AM
Gouge, tool rest, or anything can break accidentally in turning. This serves as a reminder to wear the face shield. I will bet the broken tip didn't drop to the floor through the lathe bed.

Denis Puland
01-23-2010, 8:12 AM
I had a gouge that broke (shattered) into three pieces for no apparent reason.
Never did find the sharpen end but did find the other two pieces so who knows what happen when it broke.
It did unnerve me a bit.
It was replaced with no problems.


Ken Fitzgerald
01-23-2010, 10:32 AM
Denis....someday it will thaw out up that way and then you will find the tip!:rolleyes:

Tamara Brown
01-23-2010, 1:20 PM
was this recently?? and what kind was it??

Nathan, it was a while ago and the tool was a 3/8 Crown PM detail gouge. My LOML Brian posted the story in a post about exceptional customer service.

Hilel Salomon
01-23-2010, 1:36 PM
First of all Nathan,

What are you doing on a lathe????? I saw your hand less than two weeks ago and you shouldn't be doing anything.
I have a bunch of Hamlet 2060's and they are fine tools. My 5/8th and 3/4" ones seem practically indestructible.You need to contact seller and have it replaced.
I do like Doug Thompson's tools and have thought about getting his massive one to add to my collection.
Stay well (away from machinery for a while)

Nathan Hawkes
01-24-2010, 1:10 AM
Hilel, I wont be turning until I've done a lot more physical therapy. I have lots of time to think lately, not spending time in the shop....I'd rather be turning!

Hilel Salomon
01-24-2010, 8:01 AM

Thinking won't hurt you, unless it's aloud and it's about other women in front of your girl friend or wife. I'll give you a holler when next I'm up in the beautiful mountains.

Stay well,
