View Full Version : Am I the only one checking Doug's site? Repeatedly.

Ron Bontz
01-21-2010, 8:30 PM
OK, I'll admit it. I keep checking Doug's site waiting for that next batch of tools to be posted. Anticipation. I am all about those 1/4" gouges right now. So am I the only little kid waiting for the new toys to be put up on the shelf at the store?:)

Richard Madison
01-21-2010, 9:19 PM
Suggest that you order it now so that your name will be near the top of the list. Then be patient. The new tools will be along in the fullness of time. Whatcha gonna make with that teeny gouge?

Ryan Baker
01-21-2010, 10:18 PM
You could just email Doug and ask him when the batch will be available. Getting in line early IS a good idea.

1/4" is a pretty small gouge. You must do a lot of really small stuff. That would pretty far from the top of my wish list from Doug (of course, my next purchase from Doug will be a 3/4" bowl gouge, so i'm on the other end of the spectrum).

Bernie Weishapl
01-21-2010, 10:20 PM
I second the suggestion Ron. Get your name on the list early.

Mike Minto
01-21-2010, 10:20 PM
No. You aren't.

Donny Lawson
01-21-2010, 10:36 PM
I've not bought anything from Doug.Where is the link for his site?Why are his tools so good?How would they compare to Robert Sorby?Fill me in..

Jim Slovik
01-21-2010, 11:08 PM
I just ordered some tools from Doug today including a 1/4" detail gouge. They weren't ready yet but he expects to ship them either Monday or Wednesday. Great guy, great tools.

Ron Bontz
01-21-2010, 11:24 PM
Donny, Just do a search for "Thompson Lathe tools".
Rich; Gonna make some tiny spindles / finials. My 3/8" is a little big.

Steve Mawson
01-22-2010, 12:24 AM
If you really want to know when some of Doug's tools will be ready give him a call. He is a great guy to talk with and of course he knows his tools.

Kyle Iwamoto
01-22-2010, 11:50 AM
Well the anser to your original post, no, I check his site often, hoping for a "sale"....:) Someday I'll get one of his gouges..... Still in the drooling stage. Hope I don't short out my keyboard.:eek:

Doug Thompson
01-22-2010, 2:07 PM
I'll open the site late tonight but I won't get the tools back from heat treatment until Monday. Sorry that it took so long for this batch to be done.

Hilel Salomon
01-22-2010, 2:18 PM

Doug's tools are so much better than Robert Sorby's that it isn't funny. Now they do need for you to make handles, but you could, if you wanted by ready made ones.

Good luck,


I've not bought anything from Doug.Where is the link for his site?Why are his tools so good?How would they compare to Robert Sorby?Fill me in..

Scott Lux
01-22-2010, 3:22 PM
Well, I wasn't checking it. But I will be now. 1/4" detail gouge!! WANT!

Matt Hutchinson
01-22-2010, 7:00 PM
Yes, they are awesome tools. I just ordered five this fall, and I finally got them all handled the last few days. So of course I had to try them, and they are a world away from Sorby or Henry Taylor....even the Kryo tools. I mean, a truly noticeable difference in quality. As soon as I cut only a few shavings, I knew they were a big step up.


P.S. BTW, I haven't been checking his site recently due to this purchase, and the fact that I just bought a few hundred in clamps. But the next time I am ready for a tool, I won't even bother looking at other sites even if I have to wait for a batch.