View Full Version : Need some help

Allen Grimes
10-19-2004, 7:22 PM
Does anybody know of somebody who can move a 500lbs table saw form one mini-van to another (without damaging it) in the San Antonio,TX area. Directions would also be nice if possible.

Jim Becker
10-19-2004, 8:37 PM
If it's crated/boxed, why not just use some boards between the vehicles and slide it on over? One or two people should be able to do that as it requires minimal lifting. You don't even need really thick boards as long as the span between the vehicles is as short as possible. Two pieces of 3/4" plywood likely will work great as long as the span isn't more than about a foot and a half. (Pull those vans "really close"!)

Todd Burch
10-19-2004, 9:07 PM
Make a wooden "tray" for the tablesaw to sit in, with a lip all around, like you might make for a water heater in case of a leak (but out of metal). Then, using Jim's method, put appropriate thickness boards (per span) between the mini vans. But, to make it easy on yourself, get a couple/three 1/2" diameter dowels and roll it over on the dowels, moving the dowels to the front as they roll out the back. If you have any lips/bumps to go over, a large diameter dowel will make it yet easier.

Don Abele
10-19-2004, 9:14 PM
When I bought my Jet tablesaw the store loaded it into the bed of my truck with a forklift - that was the easy part. When I got home, I realized (in my excitement of having the saw), I didn't know how I was going to get it out. I have a RAM 3500 dually with a suspension lift - the bed is over 4 feet up!!! I made a ramp from 2x6's and 3/4 inch plywood and used a come-along to slide it down. Worked like a champ. I think the same would do for you as well. I had gravity helping, but you may have a hard time sliding it wood over wood. Todd's idea would help overcome that friction problem. However you do it, please be safe - don't hurt yourself (and try to keep the saw and van safe too).

Be well,


Dennis McDonaugh
10-19-2004, 9:39 PM
Hey allen, I'm sure we can get enough people to just lift it from one to the other. Where are you in SA?

Allen Grimes
10-19-2004, 10:10 PM
I forgot to mention that it had to be taken out of the box to fit it in the van.

Dennis, first let me explain the situation. We had a very simple plan. I had it shipped to a wherehouse where my dad went to pick it up and they put it in with a forklift. He then was supposed to bring it to me (MX) but he somehow lost the title to his car and without that he cant get a permit to cross the border. To make matters worse his car broke down and he had to get it towed with the saw inside and it tipped over. So getting to my point . He will be arriving in San Antonio tomorrow. Where my mother is visiting a friend her mini already has the permit so that problem is solved. Just need to switch it over but, I have no way of getting to San Antonio to help. I was really asking if there was someplace like a store that sells big machinery like that that would be able to help, but if you are still willing to give it a shot, it would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Does anybody think that home depot would be able to do something like that?

Dennis McDonaugh
10-19-2004, 10:27 PM
Allen, that's a tough situation. I don't think anyone in a business is going to do that for you with liability issues and all. I don't have much time to help tomorrow, just between 4 and 5:30. If you don't have any luck tomorrow, I'm off on Thursday and would be willing to help then. I might even be able to round up a body or two. What part of town are we talking about and what type of saw is it?

Allen Grimes
10-19-2004, 10:46 PM
The saw is a General International 50-260. Its brand new so its still not put together. Im not sure what part of town they'll be in since I've never been there but I'm sure they'd be able to meet you somewhere close by you. As for the time Im not sure exactly what time my dad will be arriving, so I cant say anything about that. I'm guessing they'll try a HD tomorrow since its not likely that he'll be there by that time(he drives real slow). He might not even make it to SA until thursday depending on where he's at right now. There is a strong possibility that the title to the mini he is in is under the table saw. So maybe it wont even need to be moved just tipped back over.

Dennis McDonaugh
10-20-2004, 8:48 AM
Allen, click on my name and send me an e-mail when you have more information and I'll see what I can do.