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01-19-2010, 9:41 PM
As my wood turnings have improved over the last few years my wife has started displaying them in her curio cabinet. Every time her friends visit she like to show off my work. I have always felt that my wife's opinion of my work was a little more that biased, but in any case she and her friends seem to think I should try some craft fairs just to see what would happen.

Because of this my wife has made it her mission to find wood for me and she has done an excellent job. She has also used Facebook to let everyone she knows to be on the look out for wood. Some friends of hers recently cut down a large oak tree and in the process they destroyed their neighbors cherry tree. Well the neighbors got mad, cut up the cherry tree and threw it over the fence. Good for me! So far I have hauled off three truck loads and there are a few more loads left. My wife also found out another friend of hers had a maple tree cut down a while back and I was able to get that also. Some of the guys I work with have been on the look out for me as well and now I also have a nice stock pile of cedar. The day before yesterday I found some magnolia so it will be interesting to see what thats like. My wife also called me today at work to inform me that she has found a cabinet shop that likes to sell there scraps of corian, she wants pens and bottle stoppers and other doo dads like that.

For the last 2 week I have been hauling wood, cutting it into slabs and bowl blanks. So far I have been able to rough out about 50 blanks and have more many more to go.

Fortunately my work schedule is 24 on 48 off so I have plenty of time for all of this and if I never sell a single piece that will be OK to. I don't even know if my turnings are even good enough to sell. I have seen a lot that are better than mine and a lot that are not, so I figured what the heck. If anyone has some advise on craft fairs and such I would greatly appreciate it. As soon as I get a chance Ill post some pics of finished pieces because I would really like some opinions. I don't really consider any of this a waste of time since since im going to be turning anyway. I hope this post doesn't come across as though Im bragging, Im just excited about the support I have and the prospect of someone actually giving me money for my work. Most people I know other than my wife could care less and I figured you folks here would understand.

Thanks in advance.

Bernie Weishapl
01-19-2010, 9:46 PM
That is a great gloat. Boy that is a bunch of wood and roughed out bowls. You should be excited.

Steve Schlumpf
01-19-2010, 10:20 PM
Glenn - first off - Congrats on having a supporting wife! I know from experience that it makes all the difference in the world!

Congrats on all of the wood! Have fun turning! Looking forward to seeing what you create out of it!

Scott Conners
01-19-2010, 10:46 PM
Don't worry about how good you are right now - by the time you are half way through that pile, you'll have improved a great deal! Practice, especially when you aren't worried about the wood and can experiment and learn, is an amazing teacher. Congrats on the wood!

Brian Effinger
01-19-2010, 10:51 PM
Wow! Congratulations on all of the wood.

Umm, do you think your wife would find some wood for me? :rolleyes:

Richard Madison
01-19-2010, 10:54 PM
A supportive wife is absolutely a worthy gloat! Oh, you got some wood too. Good for you.

Baxter Smith
01-19-2010, 11:02 PM
By the time you are done roughing all that out, the first ones may be dry! Looking forward to seeing some of the magnolia. Nice collection!

Bill Bolen
01-19-2010, 11:23 PM
Now that is a fine gloat....the wood too...but the best part is the wife scouting for wood to support your addiction!! Enjoy turning all that beautiful wood...Bill..

Leo Van Der Loo
01-20-2010, 2:42 AM
You better get busy, at the rate your wife is bringing the wood on you'll be buried in wood pretty soon :eek: :D, nice gloat, and yes have fun and take care :)

John Keeton
01-20-2010, 7:24 AM
First of all - bragging about getting wood is encouraged!! Secondly, we understand and enjoy hearing about it.

But, most importantly, you need TWO LATHES!!!!! And, maybe get the wife a separate bandsaw. Otherwise, we will be reading about the couple that was found underneath the mountainous pile of cut wood and bowl blanks!!

Rob Cunningham
01-20-2010, 7:48 PM
Great gloat on both your wife and the wood. Having a wife that understands your "addiction" is a definite plus.:)

Allen Neighbors
01-20-2010, 7:59 PM
Glenn, you and I both are truly blessed.
Great gloat... about the wife, and the wood, too.
Better get busy.....

01-20-2010, 8:42 PM
Thanks for reading everyone. I appreciate you comments and encouragement. Im going to post some more pictures when I get a chance.


David E Keller
01-20-2010, 10:33 PM
Great gloat... The wood is nice too. The real gloat is obviously that your wife is tracking down wood for you. Have fun and post when you get some finished.