View Full Version : I get to do this a little for work too.

Bart Leetch
10-19-2004, 12:01 AM
Cutting material for a drawer box.

Jim Becker
10-19-2004, 9:28 AM
Watching you work is fun! More pictures, Bart... :D If you assemble enough of these in squence, you'll have a video, too!

Enquiring minds want to know...what are the drawer boxes going into?

Bart Leetch
10-19-2004, 11:21 AM
Inquiring minds want to know...what are the drawer boxes going into?

I have replaced several of these drawers in different apartments here at the 2 apartment complexes.

The original drawers were made of high density chip board wrapped with vinyl made with 45 degree cut corners. It looks like the material was covered with vinyl & they just cut & folded the box together with a little glue in the corners & stapled a vinyl wood grained front on.

Needles to say after 26 years some of them are falling apart.

I make a new front look as close as I can in color by staining the wood.

We really need to have a company come in & do a face lift on all the cabinets. But most of the companies that do this are down in Seattle & want at least 10 apartments at a time before they will come this far to do them. Its real hard to interrupt 10 residents lives to face lift their cabinets, if you know what I mean. In the Elderly, Handicapped complex most of the cabinets are still fairly good, but the family complex has taken a beating.

I was out in the shop making this drawer box last night & took the pictures I just though you'all would like to see what I do for fun :D :D :D .

Jim Becker
10-19-2004, 11:23 AM
Maintaining apartments and "fun" are probably hard to use in the same sentence often!!

Bart Leetch
10-19-2004, 11:41 AM
Thats true Jim.

But we take fun anywhere we can find it around here. Besides that I can do something like this in the evening & enjoy it without interruption (if you know what I mean) & count the time & not start as early the next morning. :D .