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View Full Version : Lost shop time but Redsox are alive!!

Jerry Olexa
10-18-2004, 11:46 PM
Its really keeping me out of my shop and my projects, according to my LOML, are gathering dust w/o cutting. BUT the RedSox are still alive after tonight's marathon (Ortiz delivers) and head to Gotham for a 2 game finale. Interesting series. Hope Schilling can pitch w the sore foot. I better get back to the shop...

Tim Morton
10-19-2004, 7:24 AM
Its been a GREAT 2 days of baseball. I thought they would come back to fenway and sweep...but after game one here it was a little scary. All we can hope for is that shill can get keep them close for 6 innnings and Johnny Damon snaps out of his slump...for those who don't follow the Sox, Damon can hit as well as anyone on the team.

Rich Konopka
10-19-2004, 7:45 AM

I am not a baseball fan and I will route for the Yankess or the Red Sox. Living in Connecticut puts us in a geographical squeeze between NYC and Boston. I have so many family, friends and colleagues who are either Red Sox fans or Yankee fans and a few Mets fans.

However, when it comes to the Red Sox I see so much anguish and torture on these people there are no words left to describe it. I am hoping for all of those Red Sox fans that this will be the year. However, I think they are prolonging the desparate hopes of their friends and just extending the pain for one more year. I hope I am proved wrong.

Go Sox !!

Carl Eyman
10-19-2004, 8:07 AM
Hope you are wrong, that is. Growing up in Stamford and listening to the Red Sox on the Bridgeport station I went thru hades all those years (since the 1930's) Isn't it time for a change?

Dan McLaughlin
10-19-2004, 10:17 AM
I am a die-hard Yankees fan. Have been since the days of Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford (born and raised in North Jersey). Would I like the Yankees to win. Of course. Would I mind if RedSox won? Nope. Why? Because the last two nights of the ALCS (and last night's NLCS) have been incredibly good dramatic baseball, and for the BoSox to win would require two more games that would be hopefully as good. Besides, it would give my relatives in Maine something to be happy about after all these years of RedSox agony :D

The only shame is that the games are considered Prime Time entertainment and the 8-12 year old kids today usually aren't allowed to stay up that late. When I was a kid (Noah and the Ark were still around), the World Series were afternoon affairs and, if you had a real good teacher, they would put the first couple of innings on the radio so we wouldn't miss them (even in a parochial school - my 7th grade teacher was a bigger Yankee fan than any of her students- her nickname - Sister Mary Mickey Mantle :cool: )

Chris Padilla
10-19-2004, 10:56 AM
I *think* I can identify with the BoSox fan's pain. Being a diehard Denver Bronco fan, the late 80s were tough with 3 Super Bowl drubbings to anguish through. Ouch...it still hurts but the late 90s Back-to-Back wins made it all worthwhile.... :) I hope Boston can feel that way soon...although I'm primarily a NL fan! :D

Glenn Clabo
10-19-2004, 11:16 AM
The only shame is that the games are considered Prime Time entertainment and the 8-12 year old kids today usually aren't allowed to stay up that late.
To heck with the kids:p ...what about those of us who get up a 5am? It's killing us old folk ya know. I thought a game that started at 5 would be over before my bedtime!
But this guy is just awesome...who can sleep when this is going on?

James Carmichael
10-19-2004, 1:25 PM
Whew, what a sports night! LOML and I needed one of those multi-screen TVs as we jumped between AL, NL, and MNF (the latter we pretty dull by comparison). We were pulling for your Sox and our Astros. Glad to see Ortiz got the GWRBI after being robbed on two bad calls.

Almost made me forget the lack of NHL action.

Jerry Olexa
10-20-2004, 12:30 AM
Great Game!!! They are alive! Hope springs eternal within the human...Exciting throughout.. Schilling pitched GREAT on a bad foot.. Drama everywhere...Ump calls..Police in riot gear... only in New York. Tommorrow should be OUTSTANDING if anyone is left standing,, Who's left to pitch?? Can it happen!??
Stay tuned....

James Carmichael
10-20-2004, 6:42 AM
How bout them Sox? Down 3-0, now going to game 7, what a series!

As a Rangers fan (read "masochist"), I got a huge laugh at ARod's antics in the 8th. Glad the umpires reversed their call & got it right, along with the earlier Boston HR.

Jerry Olexa
10-20-2004, 10:45 AM
I agree. It was the right call(s) but a brave move for the umps in front of the hostile NY crowd. Tonight will be exciting!!

Martin Shupe
10-20-2004, 10:51 AM
Since I grew up in Houston, I am hoping for the Red Sox vs the Astros in the series, with the Astros winning, of course!

Donnie Raines
10-20-2004, 11:17 AM
You think you guys have it bad.....I live in Cincinnati.....try cheering for the Reds and Bengals....

..at least I have UC and Xavier basketball to get excitied about...come on March madness!!!! :D

Jerry Olexa
10-20-2004, 12:09 PM
And Donnie, even the OSU buckeyes are having a bad year. I see Bob Huggins is back @ UC (surprise!) As a former Ohio resident, I "feel your pain":)

Rich Konopka
10-20-2004, 12:31 PM
You think you guys have it bad.....I live in Cincinnati.....try cheering for the Reds and Bengals....

..at least I have UC and Xavier basketball to get excitied about...come on March madness!!!! :D

Okay, Now you have my atention. GO UCONN !!! Defending NCAA Mens and Womens Basketball Champs !!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Still waiting for my boyhood hero Pete "Charlie Hustle" Rose to be inducted. Lets recognize him for his baseball not his gambling.

Lets hope for a miracle tonight !! Go Sox

Lou Morrissette
10-20-2004, 12:47 PM
Belhorn comes alive!!!! Tonight it's Damon's turn!
Go Sox!!!:D :D :D

Tim Morton
10-20-2004, 6:17 PM
Everyone ready to do it again tonight? Lets hope for good pitching from
D-Low, wake, pedro and foulke to finish it off. And mostly a alot of hits from everyone, especially Johnny Damon and Manny!!!!

Go Sox!!!

Ed Falis
10-21-2004, 2:00 AM
Since I grew up in Houston, I am hoping for the Red Sox vs the Astros in the series, with the Astros winning, of course!

Hey Martin, that's the series I want to see, too, but with the Sox winning. Tomorrow will tell - good luck!

- Ed

Glenn Clabo
10-21-2004, 5:35 AM

Holy Smoke!

Rich Konopka
10-21-2004, 7:24 AM
Amen !! Congratulations to all you die hard Red Sox fans.

Here's to You !!

Carl Eyman
10-21-2004, 7:50 AM
Watch Out For All Those Reefer Trucks On Mass. Pike! :D

There USED TO BE a joke that went: "what's the difference between a Yankee Stadium Hot Dog and a Fenway Park hot dog? The answer was "You can't buy Fenway Park Hot Dogs in October"

Now the roads will be crowded with trucks bringing dogs from NY to Boston.

Jerry Olexa
10-21-2004, 12:11 PM
:) UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING!!!!!! you guys were exactly right about Damon. He delivered as you predicted (2 HR, 1 single and SB!!). Great pitching in the beginning altho Pedro looked a little shaky,.(I don't know why he was used). I still have trouble accepting it REALLY happened. Down 0-3 and now in the World Series. Schilling was magnificent the night before! A great TEAM effort and they did it against a great, star studded Team w many MVP's. Forgive the rambling... I'm delirious... Look fwd to saturday in Fenway!!!:) :) :) :) :)

Tim Morton
10-21-2004, 7:37 PM
Pedro looked a little shaky,.(I don't know why he was used).

I wonder why none of the reporters bothered to ask that very question of Francona last night or today. I would have thought D-low could have gone the 2 more innings and we would have cruised to an nice mellow victory, but if you need to being in a reliever.... no way would I have thought Pedro would have gone in, did Francona forget Game 2? But aside from that little "drama" I think Terry did an excellent if not perfect job of managing ( or at least getting out of the way) the playoffs. Now lets move on to the Series and hopefully St Louis will win tonight because I can't bear the inane comparisons to Bush Vs Kerry..Its bad enough that I have to tolerate Kerry even saying the words Red Sox!!!

Jerry Olexa
10-21-2004, 10:47 PM
He did do a good overall job of managing, I agree. He seems to like to spring the unexpected now and then like that bunt last night (which worked). But Pedro being used??!! I'd rather have him rested for the series (hindsight).By the way, my son tried to get Fenway tickets for this weekend thru a broker and they were $1500 EACH!!! Paaassss. That buys a lot of tools. It'll be fun Saturday switching between the series, football and Norm's NYW. Go BoSox!:)

Ken Fitzgerald
10-22-2004, 4:37 AM
So Jerry......have your feet touched the ground yet?. :rolleyes: .....The LOML and I'll be cheering for your BoSox! :D

Jerry Olexa
10-22-2004, 1:33 PM
Ken I'm estatic! Still getting in a little shop time between games. Saturday will be exciting!!:)