View Full Version : Dispoz-A-Blade anyone?

John Miliunas
10-18-2004, 10:59 PM
Many of you have probably seen this as an available option on Gizzly jointers. Has anyone installed the kit on their DJ-20? Also, regardless of whether or not you've done the latter, how do you find the wear on them? I love this type of feature on my lunchbox planer and I think I would appreciate it on the jointer, as well. :cool:

Don Abele
10-18-2004, 11:05 PM
John, I looked into this system about 4 years ago when I bought my jointer. The $200 price tag was what turned me away. Since then, I've only had to change my blades once (I got a second set free). Also, I spoke to my local dealer (in Washington) when I bought it and he said the dispo blades dull a lot faster so the $25 a set adds up a lot quicker. Here in Virginia, I can get my blades sharpened for $20 - less than a set of the dispos. It does make it easier to change out blades and maintain alignment, but I take that time to do a complete re-setup/calibration.

Be well,


Jim Becker
10-19-2004, 9:17 AM
The Estes system is pretty nice based on comments I've seen over the years from owners...drop-in knife changes with no re-alignment. Once you have the system installed and do the initial alignment properly, you just don't go back. (Unless you have large people sit on your outfeed table regularly or something like that) While the intial cost that Doc cites is indeed a barrier for adoption by the masses, I really like disposable knife systems and wouldn't go back. Further, you also open yourself up for more choices in metal types for the knives. That can be nice...use less expensive HHS for the majority of work and have the ability to use carbide when you are dealing with something tough.

Ted Shrader
10-19-2004, 12:22 PM
. . . . Here in Virginia, I can get my blades sharpened for $20 - less than a set of the dispos. . .

Doc -

Speaking of which - Where do you go? I used Sure Set Saw until the Tormek came along. Still use them for saw blades.


Don Abele
10-19-2004, 3:07 PM
Ted, that's them. Their turn-around time leaves something to be desired, but they are within driving distance and cheaper than new blades.

Be well,


John Miliunas
10-20-2004, 8:15 AM
I dropped a note to Este, inquiring about a few concerns I had. One of them was the availability of carbide blades. I was informed they have Kobalt blades available for more "abrasive" woods, at about $55.00 a set. I also asked about whether or not I would need to go through all the measuring exercise they show, because this would be for a mainstream jointer. They said I would, because the DJ-20 has used four different configurations for the cutterhead! :eek: I found that bit of info kind of interesting.

At any rate, I'm still considering if it would be worth the $$ or not. I know that Hartland has carbide blades available for the normal cutterhead setup and then there's always the spiral cutterhead.... :confused: :cool:

nic obie
10-20-2004, 1:47 PM
...and then there's always the spiral cutterhead

:eek: :eek: :eek:

John Miliunas
10-20-2004, 1:51 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Yeah, ":eek:" is right! BIG buck$$$$! :( I very much doubt that is a viable option for my wallet! :cool: