View Full Version : Clear polycarbonate yo-yo

David Pearson
01-18-2010, 9:16 AM
How cool is this? I found it on the internet. Anyone ever turn polycarbonate?

http://www.iainclaridge.co.uk/blog/?p=1835&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+iainclaridgenet+(iainclaridge .net (http://www.iainclaridge.co.uk/blog/?p=1835&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+iainclaridgenet+%28iainclarid ge.net))

John Terefenko
01-18-2010, 9:38 AM
How cool is this? I found it on the internet. Anyone ever turn polycarbonate?

http://www.iainclaridge.co.uk/blog/?p=1835&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+iainclaridgenet+(iainclaridge .net (http://www.iainclaridge.co.uk/blog/?p=1835&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+iainclaridgenet+%28iainclarid ge.net))

Try here and send Ed a message. I bet he has. http://yoyospin.com/ Click on the gallery and sit back and enjoy some of the finest art you will see. The man has some talent to say the least.

Steve Schlumpf
01-18-2010, 10:04 AM
David - I've turned a few things out of polycarbonate (ornaments, finials, lids, etc) and it tools well. Only thing is to use sharp tools, light cuts and not to high of a speed or it can melt and stick to your gouge or lathe. It is a mess to clean up and like most plastics - seems to generate it's own source of static electricity!

It sands nice and you can get a glass like surface by either buffing or using heat. I have sanded to 320 grit or so and then passed a blowtorch over the sanded area to achieve that surface but have found the buffer works just as well.

Matt Owen
01-18-2010, 10:45 AM
From My experience, polycarbonate is more for use in molds as opposed to machining. I've turned a couple of yo-yo's out of acrylic, which is what I believe Ed Davidson uses. It wouldn't surprise me if that is what the yo-yo is actually turned from. Scrapers seem to work a little better for me than gouges do, but I usually use both depending on what I'm trying to do.

You can see other yo-yo's (mostly wood) at the link below.

