View Full Version : What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...

Bob Borzelleri
01-18-2010, 2:04 AM
Only, in this instance, I hope that does not turn out to be the case. On Tuesday, I'm off to Vegas to spend the rest of the week with Jimmy Clewes. :) Been waiting for this little sojourn since I bought my lathe.

dennis kranz
01-18-2010, 2:08 AM
That is one trip I would like to make myself. Let us know how it went.

Dan Forman
01-18-2010, 2:54 AM
Have a great time, then tell us about it.


Roger Bullock
01-18-2010, 6:33 AM
Have fun and I'm sure you will learn some new tricks. Remember that if you don't post any photos when you get back..........didn't happen :o

Steve Schlumpf
01-18-2010, 9:02 AM
Bob - have a fun and safe trip! Looking forward to the photos!

Mauricio Ulloa
01-18-2010, 11:39 AM
Good for you! Too bad that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..... 'cause I'd really like to hear from your experience with the master and to see some pics!

Have fun!

Bernie Weishapl
01-18-2010, 1:04 PM
Congrats Bob. Have safe and fruitful trip. Let us know how it went.

David E Keller
01-18-2010, 4:20 PM
Enjoy yourself and please post a follow-up from the trip. My wife has been after me to pick a date for one of his classes, so I'm anxious to hear how your experience is.

I'll let everyone else know when I get mine scheduled... It would be fun if someone else from the forum could join me. I think he takes up to four at a time, so there would be room for three others.

Bob Borzelleri
01-20-2010, 11:58 PM
While it is probably premature to pass judgment on a 3 day class after the first day, I think it safe to say that, unless Jimmy wigs out and starts throwing tools at us, this will end up being one of the most valuable learning experiences I've had in years.

I should start by clarifying where I started in this learning endeavor. After buying my Nova in November, I played around with the roughing gouge, spindle gouge and got played by the skew for awhile before I got sidetracked by revamping my dust collection and compressed air system; and then came the holidays. Long story short, I decided to wait until this class to really focus on learning.

The other three class attendees are clearly more experienced than I am (who isn't), having turned many projects as compared to my several practice spindles of varying appearances. When Jimmy asked folks what they wanted to accomplish during the three days, everybody talked about variations or embellishments on bowls, boxes and other things that I'm not sure I had heard of prior to that point. As for me, I wanted to get to know the nature of the tools and what they could do were I to learn to use them as they were designed to be used. In short, I wanted to make beads and coves that looked like beads and coves are supposed to look like.

Jimmy thought that was a good place to start, and pointed out that he would get me going with the tools and that we would move on to projects that wouldn't end up in a practice pile in short order.

Well, by day's end, I had turned my practice spindle into a very nice ash mallet. And, I spent a fair amount of the day working with the very skew that had me a bit on edge and I didn't come close to a catch. Jimmy's guidance was spot on.

I haven't applied the final finish on the mallet and will post a photo after it's done. In the meantime, here are a few photos of Bob (the other Bob), Joy and Graham along with Jimmy as he worked with them on charred bowls, wire brush edge enhancements and an off center project that I was keeping my eye on most of the day.

By the way, Jimmy has 3 PM3520s and one Oneway. I am working on the PM and I now understand why this machine has such a solid following.

Duff Bement
01-21-2010, 12:11 AM
Not much make jealous, but this it.:p Next fall I am hoping to make this pilgrimage myself. When this all said done maybe you could make a estimate of final costs and any unforeseen expenses.

David E Keller
01-21-2010, 12:31 AM
Bob, thanks for the update. I've narrowed my trip down to one of the two courses in May, and we're just waiting on childcare arrangements before giving Jimmy a call. I'm so glad you're having fun, and I'm looking forward to your next installment and some photos of your work.

Bob Borzelleri
01-21-2010, 1:12 AM
Not much make jealous, but this it.:p Next fall I am hoping to make this pilgrimage myself. When this all said done maybe you could make a estimate of final costs and any unforeseen expenses.


Other than the tuition, the only other expenses are getting to and from Vegas, a room and breakfast and dinner (Jimmy provides a great real lunch).
Given that Vegas hotels provide rooms and food at low cost (in hopes of you donating to their cause), the overall cost is well within my expectations.
