View Full Version : 2 Slimlines

dennis kranz
01-18-2010, 1:27 AM
A while back Ron Hossack was good enough to send me the instructions on how to make the one piece pen. Finally got around to giving it a try. Thought it would be harder than what it was. Will be doing a few more very soon. The woods used are Cherry and BOW. To me the BOW is one of the nicest woods to work with and I love the color differances from piece to piece.
Thank You Ron


Billy Tallant
01-18-2010, 3:18 AM
Nice looking pens. That one piece pen looks good. You've got me interested in how that is accomplished.

Roger Bullock
01-18-2010, 6:20 AM
Have you got a link to the instructions on the one piece slimline kits? How do you change the ink refill? OH, and nice work on both pens.

Antonio Martinez
01-18-2010, 8:17 AM

Steve Schlumpf
01-18-2010, 8:58 AM
Very nice work on both pens Dennis! They both look very comfortable to use!

dennis kranz
01-18-2010, 1:32 PM
These are the links that I used from Ron

Slimline Gel

http://www.redriverpens.com/pdf%20fi...20slimline.pdf (http://www.redriverpens.com/pdf%20files/one%20piece%20slimline.pdf)

http://content.penturners.org/articl...piececigar.pdf (http://content.penturners.org/articles/2009/onepiececigar.pdf)

Skip Spaulding
01-18-2010, 3:05 PM
Very nice pens, thanks for the downloads.

David E Keller
01-18-2010, 4:11 PM
Very cool. I've been tempted to do some one piece pens, and you may have gotten me off the fence.