View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
10-18-2004, 12:39 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. Time sure does fly the older I get. I guess it's all part of that "down hill slide" I'm on or sumpin' like dat.

I worked on some commissioned pens this weekend and got 3 coats of Dark Garnet shellac sprayed on the sewing machine cabinet that I'm restoring. I sure will be glad when this baby is D O N E!!!!!

Any way, spent Sunday at church with the family and a little more time on the sewing machine cabinet and family time Sunday night.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks......

Ken Fitzgerald
10-18-2004, 12:53 AM
Saturday I went hunting with a young MR tech. He's 3 weeks older than my youngest son. 2 weeks ago we went to a spot in the mountains...foggy...we saw 20+ wild turkeys...20+ wild ducks....5 grouse.....2 groups of white tail deer and 4 elk one of which was a large antlered bull......The season opened a week ago......yesterday's sightings......."0"......Zilch...It rained ....we hunted in the rain.....got our butts wet!

Today...filled in the 35' ditch where they ran the gas line to my new shop. Then made the connections to the two ground rods and wired it to the breaker panel.......watched a little football.

Dick Parr
10-18-2004, 7:57 AM
Found a good web site with instructions on how to make a chatter tool and so that was this weekends project. Will give it a try today. :)

Picked up my daughter from the airport yesterday she was up with the wife helping with the twins.

Tyler Howell
10-18-2004, 8:14 AM
A little Minneapple WWS action with Midwest Area Creekers. Gloats in the mail. They said 10 days.
There are always more punch list items at the houses. Spent some time with the family:) .

Jeff Sudmeier
10-18-2004, 8:25 AM
I worked on the Cherry blanket chest I am building. I got the front, back and sides glued up. Tonight I have a little hand work for the front and back and I can continue assembly!

John Miliunas
10-18-2004, 8:31 AM
Good/bad weekend. Bad was, the windows we were expecting as late as Sat. morning, *never* showed! :mad: BTW, this really stung bad, because these are the same windows that were responsible for me to cancel my Mini-Apples trip! :mad: LOML did manage to talk me into going with her for the Fall Art Tour around the area. Saw some interesting (AND expen$ive) art, ranging from ceramics to glass to metalwork to WW. Lots of interesting stuff and got a few neat ideas. :) Managed to get the "custom" HVAC register made for the bathroom remodel. Watched some football and just chilled. Hope everyone has a GREAT week! :cool:

Donnie Raines
10-18-2004, 8:56 AM
Got a lot done this weekend. Built a few Shaker box's and even started in on a new "home" for my block planes and "others". Was walking through the borg when I came across two 2x4 sheets of flame birch plywood...so I had to buy those. Did a little leaf patrol....but I have lots more to do. :mad:

Bob Winkler
10-18-2004, 8:58 AM
As payment for my SWMBO helping with a backyard patio, I went with her to a craft fair in Woodstock. Beautiful tree colors all over. Lots of wood crafts at the fair- box makers and turners. Got some good ideas for xmas projects.

Sunday was more patio work, and workshop cleanup. Bob

Keith Starosta
10-18-2004, 9:03 AM
I managed to get a few things done this weekend, the most important of which was to finally get a set of frenc doors installed. The room behind the doors used to be my office, but has been quickly turned into the "Baby Play Room" by my wife. I call it the "Toys R Us Spillage Room". :D The pre-hung doors were 1.25" wider than the rough opening I had after removing the original trim, so I had to cut some drywall and remove one of the cripples to make it fit. It was a fun project that I managed to get plumb the first try!! :) I just have to buy some new trim, paint and prime all around and install the hardware.

I love it when a simple project like this makes my wife feel like I can conquer the world! ;)


Dan Mages
10-18-2004, 9:14 AM
All of the soffits are done on the shed. Unfortunately, the borg has stopped carrying 3/8" beaded ply and is now carrying 11/32. It is way too flimsy!! I may have to redo the soffit next year with a more stable material. I also have about half of the trim done and one wall sided. Unfortunately, I ran into a problem with the low quality aluminum nails that I was using. 30% of the nails bent when I put them in. I wish the borg drone would have been more willing to find the 10 extra boxes of the 8d 2.25" aluminum nails. they would have worked much better. I hope to have the siding done next weekend so I can start working on the roof.


Jim Becker
10-18-2004, 9:14 AM
For once, I spent most of the weekend in the shop working on the armoire project (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=12329&page=4) after some electrical things, such as building Dennis Peacock's most excellent contactor setup (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=12965) to start up the DC and replacing the switch in the J/P. No DVD of the week as Dr. SWMBO has a grant due and that took priority with her time.

Martin Lutz
10-18-2004, 9:45 AM
I spent most of the weekend ( with the exception of Sunday morning church) in the shop. I have been preparing for a show this coming weekend. I am showing/selling everything from pens and pencils, toy wagons, to some variations on a shaker style wrinting desk. I have got three desks, oak, walnut, and cherry. I have also got a rocking chair in progress. Most of my recent time was spent turning pens, goal is 100, got about 75. The pens/pencils are elk, deer, spalted maple, etc. Basically anything interesting I could get my hands on. Sorry Chris and Tyler, I am currently picture challenged. Thank goodness the LOL is patient, and understanding. I hope all had a great weekend

Dave Shaffer
10-18-2004, 11:12 AM
Worked on a triangle table with drawers. It is gonna be either a bedside table or an end table. I havent decided yet. If it comes out like crap I will hide it in the bedroom. I glued up some panels for the sides last night but screwed up both this morning. Oh, and the little guy holding the tape for me is my grandson.




Dan Gill
10-18-2004, 11:22 AM
Pretty full weekend for me. My men's accountability group met at 7:30, and we had a guy drive in from Greenville, TX, about 100 miles away. He needed help bad, and we were it.

Worked on base moulding for the house and general cleanup following my kitchen cabinet project.

Met with some friends from church to ask them to be our daughter's guardians in the event of our demise (EVERYONE should have a will).

Actually got my sheet good and cutoffs cart finished. It's uglier than homemade soap, because I used leftover materials and stuff I pulled out of my old kitchen cabinets. The good news is - it works and it cost me $4, since I already had the casters and everything but two 1 x 4s.

Lots of church activities Sunday, but not much family time - everyone else was gone! But I got the cart done. Now I can clean out a bunch of my cutoffs and put my dust collector together.

Sorry, Tyler - no pics. :D

Dan Gill
10-18-2004, 11:26 AM
Almost forgot. I pulled a bonehead stunt while putting up door casing. One of the brads turned and - you guessed it - nailed the door shut. My son and wife got a BIG kick out of that. There I am, saying, "DON'T tell me I nailed the door shut." Sure enough.

Aaron Montgomery
10-18-2004, 11:26 AM
I finished up the second go around for LOMLs tack trunk (http://home.insightbb.com/~apmonte/TackTrunk.html) .

Now it's time to clean the shop and start thinking about some shop related projects. :)


Steve Clardy
10-18-2004, 11:30 AM
Didn't really get any woodworking done for the business side of it.
But did get most of the firewood in order for the upcoming winter that seems to be fast approaching. Probably be banging on our door before we want it to.:eek:

Ordered 6 cord of firewood delivered. Got it almost all stacked up for the house and shop both. Got last years wood in order for use this year, and the new wood is mostly for nexts years use so it can be drying.
wood man just delived 2 cords early this morning, so need to get that stacked up. Ordered 2 more for delivery in about a month.
Did get some brush cut on the 31 acres, clearing for more pasture for the hay burners. Got some firewood out of it, more brush than wood.
I got tired of cutting, so I fired up the tractor and headed to the gate out of the pasture, leaving the tractor running as I usually do, putting the brush hog all the way down as a brake, opened the gate, walked back to see the tractor rolling down the hill into the brush.:eek::eek:

No damage there. Got to the tractor and hopped on, looking forward to see 4 of our 5 horses standing on the OTHER side of the gate, looking at me. So I spent 30 minutes doing the cowboy roundup thing.:(


Jack Hogoboom
10-18-2004, 11:46 AM
Cleaned up my shop. Found a few tools I didn't remember buying. Bought some rosewood on Ebay for box building. Pretty boring stuff.

Bob Hovde
10-18-2004, 12:33 PM
Got all of the 100V wires run in my garage/new shop. Started on the 220V (10ga 3wire w/gnd). Who ever said to use 3-wire for 200V recepticles? Why did I listen? What a pain! :mad: I doubt that the third wire will ever be used, but they'll be there ("Way overkill," says LOML.). The homeruns will be easy after bending the wire through those little holes in the boxes.


keith zimmerman
10-18-2004, 1:03 PM
My weekend was actually 5 days this week. I took Wednesday-Friday off work to travel to Minneapolis to install 3 window shelf units I built for my Lady's new coffeeshop. I got those installed on Wednesday with only a couple of hitches.

On Thursday, I designed and built a small shelf unit to fit inside an antique fireplace mantle. I designed it so there were no nails or screws driven into the mantle. Of course the mantle is attached to the wall, but I was able to use toggle bolts through existing holes.

Friday was opening day and everything went quite well after the doors opened.

Saturday, I made a trip to Ikea and picked up some shelving units for her, then went to the Minneapolis WoodWorking Show and spent lots $$$ on stuff. Nothing large, just a lot of accessories. Had dinner afterwards with Tyler and the MN area Creekers, then back to the coffeeshop for musical entertainment. I had my first turnings sold too. :)

Sunday, I assembled all the shelving and then made the 7 hour drive back home.

I am so exhausted from all this that I had to come to work today, just so I could relax and recover. Best of all is that the coffeeshop is now open for business after 10 months of building renovation. I am very proud of my Lady for perservering.


Betsy Yocum
10-18-2004, 1:17 PM
I actually spent the whole weekend woodworking!:D Took a box class at woodcraft, then made a mini box to match when I got home. Then worked the rest of the weekend on a box a lady wants for her shop (had to make a new sled to get it done).

Also was asked to make a box for another friend - we'll see how that turns out - but she left it up to me to make it work. Needs to be made to fit a magic prop. I may be asking for advice as I go along - sure glad to have SMC!

I did watch a bit of football and a little baseball - could not stay awake for the finale of the BoSox's win though.

Hope y'all have a good week!

10-18-2004, 1:23 PM
I installed some drawers in one of the cabinets I made for my 14' miter saw station. I'll try to get some fronts on them this week. That combined with the drawers I (finally) made for my router table will give a place for most stuff to live in the shop. Then, I'll get on to some real projects. Still plenty of drawers and doors to make in the shop, but I'll do it as needed.


Scott Coffelt
10-18-2004, 1:25 PM
Well I thought for sure I would get so much done this weekend. In the shop that is....

My wife took our son to her home town for a pig roast. Saturday morning was spent taking the other kids car in for new tires, then taking her to work, I installed a storm door for a client, then met another potential client who wants a fireplace mantel. A trip to Woodcrafter's for some supplies... That took me to about 5PM, had to go up and pick up the car... and then I watched the Nextel race that evening... Not a dang thing done in the shop.

OK, at least I've got Sunday. Yeah right. I decide to be real nice and surprise the wife with a clean house and no laundry. Man, took me most of the day to get it all done, a trip to the grocery store for steaks and cooking of dinner squandered away most of the rest of the day. Spent the evening with my son.... No shop time.

I think I get more done during the week. :cool: