View Full Version : NK style drawers

Jeremy Linot
01-15-2010, 9:48 AM
Hey all. I lurk here a LOT but it's been quite some time since I posted anything.

Anyways, I have been scouring the web trying to find some (free) information on how to actually build NK style drawers.

I am well aware of the article in Fine Woodworking magazine that goes into full detail of how to make them, but do to current financial considerations I do not have access to said article. So I'm here to try and pry some good info out of you fine people.

If anyone could go into specific details of how this is done. Pictures or drawings would be so incredible as I am a very visual person.

I know the general idea is that somehow the drawers ride on some sort of sliding tray connected to sides that I think work as slides. Then the actual drawer is attached to that sliding tray after it's been fitted. I just can't work it out in my head what that actually LOOKS like in 3-d. And I'll be danged It I can't find a single good picture online as to how it's done either.

So any kind soul out there with knowledge of this cool sounding technique willing to enlighten this clueless KS boy? Any help is much appreciated.

Jeremy Linot

brian c miller
01-15-2010, 10:12 AM
Here's a little trick. Google keeps a cache of most pdf's on the web. It also lets you view them as html file (not so great at formating) and google documets (QuickView) which are AWESOME.

Simply google what you're looking for searching for pdf files at their site.

Example: nk drawers Site:www.finewoodworking.com (http://www.finewoodworking.com) Filetype:pdf


http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:UJM7bTjBvocJ:www.finewoodworking.com/FWNPDF/011150066.pdf+nk+drawers&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiQa6IcGjE0GbzlUixWc_FP1GdEDNu7rIKFuZN5 uauEtBV-4jX8QwdCLgalieKCTnD3_ND_tijrONphSysGPF47ctCz-p_5_3dv_v4AHre6MqdchbrGK63nbRJQiUmBiuO_32LL&sig=AHIEtbQ5fMtb5e57Eq0nu7-vJgpXohdtjg

There you go.

Jeremy Linot
01-15-2010, 10:26 AM
You sir, are now my hero for the day lol. Thank you very much. That is a cool little trick that I would simply never have thought of trying. Much appreciated.

Jamie Buxton
01-18-2010, 10:38 AM
Here's a photo of the rear end of an NK drawer. You can see the tray, which is composed of a sheet of plywood and hardwood runners along the edge. You can also see the cabinet-side runner that houses the tray. It is possible to make up the cabinet-side runner from the structural parts of the casework, but I like to use a separate piece of wood. It allows me to tweak and shim them until they are exactly parallel.

Jamie Buxton
01-18-2010, 10:43 AM
One other detail about wooden-runner drawers is the out-stop -- the stop that prevents a user from accidentally pulling the drawer out of the casework. Here's a photo of the one I used with these NK drawers. The rear of the drawer is a little taller than the sides of the drawer. A pawl is screwed to the casework. It pivots freely on the screw. When you shove the drawer into the dresser, it flips the pawl up so it can slide past. Afterwards, when you pull the drawer out, the tip of the pawl hits the drawer rear. You can extract the drawer just by holding the pawl up while you pull the drawer past it.