View Full Version : Got my new Delta Sewing Machine!!!!!!

Alan Tolchinsky
01-14-2010, 11:24 AM
Hi All, I just got my Delta 46-460 and I'm really impressed with it. It's as quiet as a sewing machine and is even better than I remembered it when I first saw one. The variable speed and belt change are so cool. This lathe really feels like a quality piece.

I used to wear ear protection with my old lathe becasue the Reeves drive was so noisy so this is a big change for me. I'm in the process of building a cart/stand for it and will post pics when I'm done. Now back to quiet turning.

John Keeton
01-14-2010, 11:33 AM
Alan, I am SOOOOOO jealous!! Mine won't even ship before next week! Although, I will have my bed extension before then!:confused: Pretty sure I won't be able to turn much on the bed extension.

Congrats!!! And glad you are pleased with it.

Steve Schlumpf
01-14-2010, 11:35 AM
Alan - Congrats on your new lathe! Looking forward to seeing some new turnings real soon!

Alan Zenreich
01-14-2010, 11:50 AM

When the extension arrives, you can spend hours waxing and generally caressing the cast iron until the rest of the lathe shows up.

Very theraputic, I'm told.

Brian Effinger
01-14-2010, 12:07 PM
Congratulations Alan. I'm sure you're really going to like it.

And +1 for what Steve said - get to turning! :p :D

John Terefenko
01-14-2010, 12:11 PM
I f I was in the market for a new midi lathe that would be the one I would get. It looks like a well thought out tool. Give us a performance report after you have played with it for awhile. Would be interesting in hearing first hand what you think.

Rob Cunningham
01-14-2010, 12:43 PM
Congratulations Alan. New toys are always fun:)

Alan Tolchinsky
01-14-2010, 3:08 PM
Thanks guys. I'll give a more thorough report once I do something more demanding than a pen. One thing I do notice is the bearing areas getting warm as somebody said here before. I would think this is somewhat mormal but with a five yr. warranty it's not something I'm too worried about now. John I hope you don't get the bed extension first; that would drive me nuts. :eek:

Mauricio Ulloa
01-14-2010, 3:38 PM
Cool! I've only seen great reports about this lathe! Have lots of fun with it!!!! :)

gary Zimmel
01-14-2010, 3:45 PM
Congrats on the new lathe Alan.
Happy turning!

David E Keller
01-14-2010, 5:07 PM
Congrats on the new lathe! I think I saw a little sweat on John's brow in his avatar... he's starting to have turning withdrawal.:D

John Keeton
01-14-2010, 5:32 PM
David, I thought I was hiding the anguish fairly well!:o

Alan, Brian, or one of you lucky suckers that have a Delta midi;), could you tell me the length of the power cord?? I am having a heck of a time finding any specific info on this machine!

I think I can get a stand built, but looks like I may need to move an outlet!:mad:

And, Alan T., unfortunately Toolnut has already traced the shipment and I am, in fact, getting the extension first!

Think I will take up "air turning" - kinda like "air guitar." No catches, no cleanup, and the end result looks as good as you think it does!!

Alan Tolchinsky
01-14-2010, 5:57 PM
John, The cord length is just over 6 feet. If you're into weight lifting you can use the bed extension for that. ;) If not then I suggest you clean it up and pamper it with some Johnson's wax. At least you can do something with it and you don't want it to rust on you. Wait until you get that baby; you're going love that lathe.

Alan Tolchinsky
01-14-2010, 5:59 PM
"Think I will take up "air turning" - kinda like "air guitar." No catches, no cleanup, and the end result looks as good as you think it does!! "

John, that is funny! I'll have to try my hand at that. I'm tired of cleaning up all my messes.

Donny Lawson
01-14-2010, 7:59 PM
You will have lots of fun.I know I loved mine when it finally arrived.The bad thing was I had to sit and look at mine for over a week until I got me a # 2 morse taper pen mandrel.I turnned it on everyday just to hear it run. "GREAT Machine"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Mawson
01-14-2010, 8:09 PM
You have a nice machine and looks like you are getting a nice set up. My bearings heated a little the first time as well but that was the only time. First turning was a pen and had it running fast. No trouble since then except for getting the spur center stuck starting a bowl. Only use faceplate to start bowls now and have had no more trouble. You are right, it is quiet.

Bernie Weishapl
01-14-2010, 9:30 PM
Congrats Alan. I wish that lathe had been out when I got my 1220. I would have gotten the Delta.

Alan Tolchinsky
01-14-2010, 9:31 PM
Steve, Thanks for mentioning that about the bearings. Maybe they have a break in time? I'll see if mine behave like yours have. I'm going to rough out a bowl tomorrow and really put this baby to the test.

dan carter
01-14-2010, 10:45 PM
Out of curiosity, what is the serial number? got mine around the first of dec and it was 2300 something.

Brian Effinger
01-14-2010, 11:46 PM
Alan, Brian, or one of you lucky suckers that have a Delta midi;), could you tell me the length of the power cord?? I am having a heck of a time finding any specific info on this machine!

Alan is right. It is 6' long and it comes out of the back of the headstock, about 6 to 8 inches above the table it sits on.