View Full Version : Steve and Jackie take a bow

Harvey M. Taylor
01-14-2010, 1:23 AM
As the title says, you guys are great. Lost my login info due to a computer cleaning of junk. Multi attempts to log in, I complained to Steve Schlumpf. The problem was fixed THAT DAY, not when 'they got around to it'.I grenuflect to you. Dont know zactly what that means, but sounds great. Thanky, thanky. Max in Ft. Worth Tx.

Roger Bullock
01-14-2010, 7:05 AM
I am relatively new member to this site but have nothing but praise for the guys that run and administer this site. You always hear negative comments quick and loud but not the good comments when you are doing a good job. SMC has been very helpful and this site is much appreciated.

Thank you and keep up the good work to all the SMC staff, my hat is off to you. :)

Richard Madison
01-14-2010, 9:31 AM
Might consider becoming a contributor and help support the best (?) turning forum (this one). Last time I checked it was only a paltry $6 minimum. Good value for all we get here.

Bernie Weishapl
01-14-2010, 9:36 AM
I agree Richard. This site is second to none. For what is asked to contribute I can't tell you how much I have gained over my past 4 yrs.

Steve Schlumpf
01-14-2010, 9:52 AM
Max - glad to see you back online!

Harvey M. Taylor
01-14-2010, 10:03 AM
Richard and Bernie,
Please check under my name, I am and have been for a few years a contributor.

Richard Madison
01-14-2010, 11:12 AM

We're trying to recruit Roger.

Bill Bulloch
01-14-2010, 11:36 AM
As the title says, you guys are great. Lost my login info due to a computer cleaning of junk. Multi attempts to log in, I complained to Steve Schlumpf. The problem was fixed THAT DAY, not when 'they got around to it'.I grenuflect to you. Dont know zactly what that means, but sounds great. Thanky, thanky. Max in Ft. Worth Tx.

You used the right work to to pay homage to these two guys: "Genuflect" (spelled without the "r") means to "bow or curtsy -- to be respectful to". They deserve the highest prase for the effort they put in to making this site what it is.

Harvey M. Taylor
01-14-2010, 4:16 PM
Bill, thanks for the correction, my wife says I have fat fingers when I type. Yes,Ed Mc Mahon did that a lot, with both index fingers pointed at each other and kinda rolled them. A beautiful gesture.Max

David E Keller
01-14-2010, 5:04 PM
Agree with all of you. Give praise where praise is due and give a little to become a contributor and keep this great resource up and running.

Roger Bullock
01-15-2010, 7:10 AM

We're trying to recruit Roger.

Was not aware of the advantages of being a contributor, part of being a new guy I guess. I will check it out.

Roger Bullock
01-15-2010, 7:38 AM
Was not aware of the advantages of being a contributor, part of being a new guy I guess. I will check it out.

Richard, check it out, I am now a contributor, thanks for the push. I bet there are more guys in here that do not know the advantages of being a contributor. So if you're one of those guys click on the donate button at the top and check it out.

Steve Schlumpf
01-15-2010, 8:52 AM
Roger - THANKS for becoming a Contributor! We all appreciate your support! Welcome to the team! :D