View Full Version : Safety reminder - big furniture and kids....

Frank Martin
01-11-2010, 8:45 PM
Yesterday afternoon I had the scariest experience I had in my life.... Wanted to share the story and my lesson learned hoping this might avoid a similar situation for others, especially those with small kids at home.

I was taking a shower and heard a big bang and my 4 year old son's scream immediately afterwards. For a split second I thought we had an earthquake (recently moved to LA area so we are still getting used to it). Then I ran out to the bedroom with shampoo still on my head and saw my son under the large 10-drawer dresser that tipped over him. His entire body other than the top of his head was buried under the drawers. To say the least I was shocked!!!

Apparently, he got a little curious and opened all the drawers and perhaps stepped on one of the lower ones that caused the dresser tip over him. I think he was very lucky because the case did not completely tip over and got propped up at about 45 degrees to the floor with some of the drawers that got stuck between the floor and the case. Other than couple small cuts and bruises on his face that happened when the drawers hit his face, he is basically fine. After physically examining, the doctors at the ER did not see a need for imaging.

Lesson learned for me is to fasten all big furniture items to the walls using earthquake straps. Some time ago I also saw a tip possibly in Fine Woodworking where somebody installed a rope in the back of a bank of drawers which has enough slack to let you open only one drawer at a time. Unfortunately, this is not an easy retrofit in my situation as the case back is glued in place, but if I make another dresser, I will definitely include this safety feature.

johnny means
01-11-2010, 8:55 PM
I specialize in kids furniture, so I've done a lot of research on safety, and you would not believe the predicaments children can get into with seemingly harmless furniture. Unfortunately, to many stories like yours end in tragedy.

Scott Hildenbrand
01-11-2010, 10:08 PM
Good reminder for all.

RE your drawers, install a clip at the back (top) of the drawer so that it can not be removed from the carcass. The clip hits against the rail when opened all the way and prevents it from falling out.

Something with two screws in it, so that one can be removed if needed and the clip rotated, allowing it to slip part the rail as the drawer is removed.


Steve Kohn
01-11-2010, 10:13 PM
About 10 years ago I went to the funeral of a 5 year old boy who was killed by a dresser tipping over on him. The police figured he wanted something on top of the dresser so he pulled out the drawers and was using them like steps. The dresser fell over on him and fractured his skull.

At the time of the accident the father was serving in the Navy and the family was living in base housing that didn't allow holes in the walls.

Since then I haven't built a dresser or cabinet higher than 36 inches without designing it so that it can be affixed it to the wall or the floor so it cannot tip over.

Van Huskey
01-11-2010, 10:18 PM
One other "new" kinda furniture danger that is spreading in many homes is flat panel TVs sitting on stands, manufacturers including a twine like thing to secure them and the stands keep the CG behind the midline but something to think about.