View Full Version : Wood drying question

Jeff Cord
01-10-2010, 9:27 PM
I purchased some Doug Fir today to build a workbench.
My question relates to how long I should expect it to take to dry.
I currently have them in my garage as 2 x 12 x 8 foot (I haven't yet cut to approx length).
They are currently sitting on edge with plenty of space between them.
Since I live in southern cal. the weather is not hot, not cold :D and not a lot of humidity (other wood that I've had in my garage is about 8 - 9%).
How long should I expect it to take for my new 2 x 12s to get to the same 8 - 9%
I did measure the wood and some of it is at 12% and much is at 20% (and my moisture meter maxes at 20%).

David Gendron
01-10-2010, 10:27 PM
Jeff, IMO you would be better to stack and sticker you wood flat, 3 or 4" off the ground, that way there is less chances of warping. An other thing also is if you can have some air flow thrue the garage once in a wile, it might speed up the drying process. ANd finaly, I wouuld think that 10 to 15 day's would bring the wood to equilibrium with the rest of the garage! That's what it take up here and it is quite a dry climat!

keep us posted on the bench built!