View Full Version : Need help fixing Jet 14" bandsaw.

Pete Lamberty
01-10-2010, 4:53 PM
Hi Everyone!
I am having a problem with my Jet 14" bandsaw. It just started today. I always loosen the tension on the blade each day when I am finished using the saw. Today when I started putting tension on the blade, I noticed a bumping feeling when I hand rotated the top wheel. What was happening was each spoke on the wheel was hitting a part of the aligning mechanism as the wheel rotated. In the photos I am using a pencil to point to the spot that hits the back of the spokes. I need to know how to adjust this so the spokes don't hit it. It doesn't look like it is bent but I could be wrong. Any ideas on how to fix this will be appreciated. Thanks, Pete

willie sobat
01-10-2010, 5:23 PM
I had the cast assembly in mine that you point to in your last photo crack. At that point mine did the same thing you are talking about. I noticed it because I had to turn the tracking screw in far enough that it drove the casting into the wheel. I don't see a crack in yours so I don't know if that's your problem. I ordered a replacement from Jet. I also got a Carter quick release tension lever at the same time. No problems since.

Pete Lamberty
01-10-2010, 5:31 PM
thanks Willie! I will take a closer look to see if there is a crack. I didn't notice one before but I didn't look for one either. Pete

Bob Vallaster
01-10-2010, 5:33 PM
My intimacy with the Jet bandsaw is limited to helping a friend rehab his...and it involved repair/replacing that upper axle assembly.
The parts were virtual knockoffs of those on my Delta 14.
So with those qualifiers out of the way, my observation is that the arm on the axle assembly is seriously bent (axle and arm should be nearly square). If so, shimming and/or further adjustment is like scratching your elbow to remedy a headache.
I defer to a Jet owner and recommend one post a photo of his/her axle assembly to verify one way or t'other.


Bill Huber
01-10-2010, 5:42 PM
That is the tracking screw, if you have to have it in that far there is something wrong.

That should never have to be adjusted but a very small amount when you track the blade. If you have to have it out that far I would say your blade is bad or something is bent or broken.

Back the tracking screw out and then tension the blade and turn it the wheel by hand and see if it will track.

I just went out and checked my Jet and mine is even with the sheet metal of the cover. I do not have the cut out like yours.

This is a shot of my Jet 14 inch, I didn't take the wheel off but you can see the tracking lever.


lowell holmes
01-10-2010, 5:45 PM
You may need a new sliding bracket assembly. There were some faulty ones on some of the saws.

You can download a manual on the link below.


Glen Blanchard
01-10-2010, 6:04 PM
Pete - I had the same exact problem a while back. Here is a link to a thread I started on this.


Jeff Willard
01-10-2010, 7:24 PM
It's bent, and possibly cracked. I replaced two of those on another manufacturers 14" Delta clone. The last one I replaced, I obtained the part from Powermatic, and they had reinforced that part. I can't comment on the durability of the new part, as the saw was sold earlier this year.

I'd just bite the bullet and replace the part-you'll end up doing it eventually.

Pete Lamberty
01-10-2010, 10:30 PM
Thanks everyone for all of the useful information. The part is indeed bent. It doesn't look like there is a crack any where that I can see. I went to your post Glen and saw that Iturra has a replacement part. I have their catalog and I found the part for Delta but not Jet. I will call them tomorrow and see what they have. Thanks again, the advice and photos made for an easy diagnose of the problem. Pete

lowell holmes
01-11-2010, 8:04 AM
I should have mentioned you can get the part from WMH Tool Corporation. Try the link below.


Maurice Ungaro
01-11-2010, 9:37 AM
But how does a blade go bad, and other than snapping in half, how do you tell?

I've got a Woodslicer that is about 4 years old, with minimal use. For some reason, all of a sudden, I can't get it to track worth a darn. I've stored it correctly, and always un-tension the saw after use. BTW, the saw is of the same age and use.

Pete Lamberty
01-15-2010, 12:46 PM
I would like to inform all of you who have helped me that I recieved the new part yesterday. I replaced it last night and I can now say that the saw is working as good as ever. Thanks again for your generous help. Pete