View Full Version : First Screw Up of the Decade!!!

Jason Hanko
01-10-2010, 1:48 AM
Now WHICH side of the line was I supposed to cut that dado on...???
D'OH! :eek::mad::(:o
Im not attaching a pic, cause then it didnt really happen....right? :rolleyes:

Actually, Im pleasantly surprised that it took me this long to mess something up - its already the 10th!

Tom Veatch
01-10-2010, 4:34 AM
I feel your pain - no, really, I do.

I locked up my shop, called it a day, and walked into the house earlier this evening after routing a recess for a drawer pull in a pullout wine bin for a cabinet I'm making as a wedding gift for my son. Instead of the front of the bin, I routed it on the TOP.

With walnut veneer plywood going for $160/sheet around here, I'm not exactly thrilled. Don't really want to buy another sheet of gold plated plywood and rebuild the bin, but haven't figured out a way to incorporate that big hole into the overall design of the piece.

Jason, we could look on the bright side. Neither of us are posting a picture, and I've seen it stated a number of times on SMC, "If there's no picture, then it didn't happen".

Jason White
01-10-2010, 7:47 AM
Ooohhh... I hate when that happens!

If you can, just glue a patch in the dado and re-cut it in the right spot.

Now WHICH side of the line was I supposed to cut that dado on...???
D'OH! :eek::mad::(:o
Im not attaching a pic, cause then it didnt really happen....right? :rolleyes:

Actually, Im pleasantly surprised that it took me this long to mess something up - its already the 10th!

Mitchell Andrus
01-10-2010, 9:01 AM
Instead of the front of the bin, I routed it on the TOP.

Sounds like an opportunity to try a little inlay work, perhaps in the shape of a wine bottle or cork. Do each bin and PRESTO!, you're a real craftsman again.

Terry Welty
01-10-2010, 9:15 AM
Ouch! I see alot of wine bins with pieces of carpet glued on the top these days. Makes it easier to keep it clean.

Jason Hanko
01-10-2010, 11:03 AM
Ooohhh... I hate when that happens!

If you can, just glue a patch in the dado and re-cut it in the right spot.

Thats what I did - shouldnt be a big deal as this wont even be in a visible place on the project. Still annoying though...