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View Full Version : I getting old and can't make decisions anymore.

Mitchell Andrus
01-08-2010, 3:20 PM
Sometimes, I just can't pull the trigger like I used to. I'm getting bound up in 'what ifs' and 'might as wells'. A do-over used to be an acceptable outcome if an involved project got haywire... Just do it over. Not so much now that I've got a favorite chair and angry ankles.

Other times, I know exactly what to do, when to do it and just get 'er done....

I'm also getting senile. That's it. ...or it's the arteries. Both.

David G Baker
01-08-2010, 3:54 PM
It is the cost of doing business on this side of the coffin. The life issues sure beat the heck out of the alternatives. Hope it isn't too late to for you to buy a parachute. :D
I am floating down the same river but so far I have managed to stay afloat. Any time I start showing new symptoms I check my meds, several times they have been the culprit.

Mitchell Andrus
01-08-2010, 5:58 PM
Any time I start showing new symptoms I check my meds, several times they have been the culprit.

You got MEDS??? Cool... I can't wait til I'm as old as you!!

Stephen Tashiro
01-08-2010, 7:43 PM
Maybe you're getting old and you can't make BAD decisions any more.

Also, if age increases the discomfort of doing things, it makes sense that we think more about how we are going to do them. Pavlovian conditioning guarantees this. When you do something that you "enjoy" there are usually minor discomforts associated with it. These "punish" you. I think we subconsciously train ourselves to avoid the punishment. In addition to rational planning, we create irrational mental blocks. I have a friend who has been unable to apply for a job for several years because he has not found a sturdy clip to hold a bag on the front of a bicycle. He has created a chain of reasoning that results in this mental block.

Ed Griner
01-08-2010, 7:49 PM
Grace Slick's song "White Rabbit" may have mentioned some of symptoms.


Ken Fitzgerald
01-08-2010, 8:12 PM

With the title "60's curse" were you referring to the 1960's or age?:eek:

I'm cursed with both!

BTW Mitch....I hate to break the new but it's probably not gonna get a whole lot better either!

But at least I'm around to whine about it! Thank you!

Bruce Page
01-08-2010, 10:15 PM
Mitch, your title composition is starting to slip too. :p