View Full Version : Chuck for Delta Midi??

Paul Williams
01-07-2010, 7:22 PM
Got my Delta Midi bolted to an old stand from previous lathe. Looking for a good chuck at a fair price. The only chuck I have seen that states it is reversible (locks to the spindle) is the relabled Nova G3 sold as a Delta chuck. Are there ways to lock other chucks to the spindle for reverse turning when sanding? Your opinion on chucks for this lathe?

Steve Mawson
01-07-2010, 7:49 PM
I use a standard Nova on mine. You can get an insert that has a set screw to keep it from coming off.

Leo Van Der Loo
01-07-2010, 8:06 PM
All Oneway chucks have always had and still do, have threaded holes for locking the chuck to the spindle.
The Oneway Talon is the best one for the Midi lathe IMO :-))

Philip Morris
01-07-2010, 8:10 PM
+1 on the Talon

Regarding set screws for locking the chuck, make sure that the spindle has a grove for the set screw to seat in.

Paul Williams
01-07-2010, 8:34 PM
Thanks for the information. I wonder if the other manufactures will start advertiing the fact that they can be locked to the spindle now that the Delta lathe is getting good acceptance?

Chris Stolicky
01-08-2010, 8:57 AM
+2 on the Talon

Harvey Ghesser
01-08-2010, 1:43 PM
I agree with Leo. The Oneway Talon is a great chuck all around:)

Philip Morris
01-08-2010, 4:01 PM
BTW, if I recall correctly the Talon also accepts the jaws that fit on the Oneway Scroll chuck as well as most of the Nova chucks (except the Titan), which adds a lot of versatility.

Bill Blasic
01-09-2010, 8:39 AM
As I have stated in the past I have used all of the three major players chucks and found them all to be very nice chucks. I chose the Nova chucks because all of the jaws fit all of the chucks (with the exception of the Titan Power Grip Jaws which only fit the Titan chuck) and they are priced very nicely for my budget:D. On my Delta 46-460 and my Jet1220 VS I mainly use the Nova Precision Midi's, this is a tommy bar chuck and a recent sale at Woodcraft that ended on Dec. 24th you got this chuck with two sets of jaws for $79 (plus the flyer had a $10 off 1 item card). I did not pass this up as I knew in January Woodcraft was have the new 4 jaw set for the Nova chucks on sale. This set contains a spigot jaw set that has two screws per jaw thus making a compression hold on small parts a lot more secure and was one that I had been looking for for turning those finials and icicles.
The most important thing with any of these chucks is to make sure that your tenon is sized properly. My last cut on any piece that I am going to chuck is a fine finish cut on the tenon and that ensures that the piece will run true when chucked. That is true for any chuck you use.

Philip Morris
01-09-2010, 9:01 AM
Woodcraft does not list which jaws are included in the set. Do you know the type and size of each?

Also, are these the standard jaws that fit all the Nova (and Oneway Talon) chucks?

John Keeton
01-09-2010, 9:17 AM
Philip, I just checked on the set as well. The specifics are listed here (http://www2.woodcraft.com/PDF/150306_Technical%20Data.pdf). Looks to be an entirely new grouping packaged for this sale.

Philip Morris
01-09-2010, 12:00 PM
Thanks, could not find that. Looks like an interesting set for small stuff. Noticed they fit the other Nova standard chucks, which leads me to believe they will fit the Oneway Talon as well.

Thanks again,