View Full Version : New to the forum, Crib finish question.

Dave Rathert
01-06-2010, 12:36 PM
Great forum by the way.
I’ve started finishing a hard maple crib. I have the first coats of a wax free shellac on the two side pieces so I’m starting with that no matter what. My plan is to do a few coats of the shellac and then a few coats of wipe on poly. I’ve used this technique on some smaller projects and they turned out fine. My theory is that the poly will help protect the crib and shellac finish. Is this true? If not, is there a better solution for a crib? Should I just go with the shellac only? Is it even worth the effort to apply the poly? I’m open to suggestions for a better topcoat that is crib safe. My wife is due March 31st so I have a decent amount of cure time. We’re looking for a clear finish to let the natural beauty of the maple make up for the simplicity of the design and my woodworking flaws (that leaves a lot of work for ol’ mother nature hehehe).

And yes, that’s a litter box in my shop, errrr laundry room.:D


Scott Holmes
01-07-2010, 11:30 AM
Poly will indeed provide a tougher finish than the shellac.

Is it the best choice? no.

There are many other varnishes that are far superior to poly. Manufactures push poly as the end-all, be-all... for them it equals much higher profit margins. The varnishes that use the cheapest resin (urethnana) and the cheapest oil (linseed) to make the varnish.