View Full Version : talon how deep

Harry Goodwin
01-06-2010, 10:44 AM
I'm having a senior moment due to not turning a bowl for a long while. My question is on a talon chuck. How deep or how long is the outsie boss? Does it rest properly on the tips of the jaws or on the actual body of the chuck? Thanks Harry

Steve Schlumpf
01-06-2010, 11:01 AM
Harry - if I understand your question correctly - you are asking about proper seating for a tenon? If correct, I usually make my tenons 1/4" to no more than 3/8" long and make sure that where the tenon meets the bowl is a good perpendicular (90*) angle. That way - when you seat the tenon in the chuck - there is enough wood for the jaws to grab onto and the bowl fits tight against the top of the jaws.

If your tenons are to long and hit the bottom of the chuck before seating firmly on the bowl - then the bowl will not be centered (will wobble) and most likely if you have a catch - you will launch the bowl as it is not as secure a hold!

Does that answer your question?

Richard Madison
01-06-2010, 12:35 PM
Harry, Ditto what Steve said. Whether a tenon or recess, the workpiece should always bottom out against the tips of the jaws, not the base of the jaws. I usually get a loose grip on the tenon, apply just a little pressure with the tailstock, and then tighten the chuck completely. Helps make sure there is firm contact with the jaws, but must be done carefully or you can actually cause the piece to be crooked in the chuck.

Leo Van Der Loo
01-06-2010, 5:13 PM
Just like the previous answers, keep the depth less than the jaws are deep, and have the faces nice and clean/square for the Talon jaws to butt up against.