View Full Version : Help ID this cyclone

Paul Maxwell
01-05-2010, 8:57 AM
I will be going to look at this set up tonight and am looking for any feedback you may have about this cyclone. The seller says that it is an Oneida cyclone about 3 years old. It is 3hp 220v and he says it is rated for 1500cfm. He is including the cyclone with two remotes and some ducting that should be more than enough for what I need.

I am not sure of the "real" age of this unit. It appears that this is not painted, can't tell for sure, but he said he thought that it had an 8" intake? It looks as though the cyclone body, cone and top are connected with flanges? Any help would be appreciated! He is asking $500 for the lot.

Chris Nolin
01-05-2010, 10:17 AM

I'm no expert on cyclone ID, but I think this cyclone looks homemade (it resembles the plans I recall seeing in one of the woodworking magazines from early last decade), with a Penn State Industries blower motor attached. The red color makes me think this:


The flanges might be made of plywood. Maybe the filter and dust bin are Oneida, but I don't think the rest of it is. Doesn't mean it won't work well, and it might even be worth $500, depending on the value of the motor, blower, ducting, remotes and filter.

The pictures you submitted are pretty small, so we can't see much detail, but that what it looks like to me.


Dave Gaul
01-05-2010, 10:21 AM
Took one look at the first pic and as soon as I saw the blower, Penn State Ind. came to mind. The cylcone body definitely looks home/shop made....

glenn bradley
01-05-2010, 10:30 AM
Again, I'm no expert but, I guess if they had some paperwork on it I might think differently. I have never seen an Onieda (http://www.oneida-air.com/#) (including quite old ones) with a cone that short or that format of construction. Any owners out there that could chime in?

Paul Maxwell
01-05-2010, 11:13 AM
I was kind of thinking the same thing about the blower motor and housing. Not really sure why the seller told me this is an Oneida. I posted this to see if anyone had any experience that would know better than I.

I have read about homemade cyclones, but am not sure about the estimated value of one. Most certainly would cost over $500 to put together, but I am using the 1.5 hp Delta now and want to make a wise decision for any upgrade.

Leo Pashea
01-05-2010, 12:31 PM
I am not sure what he has there, but I do know it is not an Oneida Air product. If he cannot, or will not, produce receipts, I would pass on it.

Mark Rakestraw
01-05-2010, 12:41 PM
I built the Wood magazine cyclone that was mentioned and that's what it looks like to me also. For $500 I'd pass.

Paul Maxwell
01-05-2010, 4:01 PM
The seller called me about coming to see it tonight. He said that the body is made from galvanized metal and is heavy. I guess I will have a look because it is very close to my place. Not expecting too much though.

Any other thoughts?

Chris Padilla
01-05-2010, 4:07 PM
Well, it might be ugly looking right now (my shop built one runs like a champ but covered in dust, looks like about like that one does) but if you can verify that it runs and doesn't leak, it could be a great buy for you. I put WAY more that $500 into my DC even though I built it from the ground up.

However, it doesn't look like it is set-up such that you could demo it...you might talk him down because of that added risk. Look at it carefully...I have a feeling it might be a steal....

Jim Foster
01-05-2010, 4:11 PM
It'd be nice to see some better photos of it. It does not look like any Oneida I have seen.

Bruce Koch
01-05-2010, 6:17 PM
I have onieda 3 hp and doesn't even come close looking the same. The air intake goes into the cyclone part not into the impeller. So it's homemade or another brand. Bruce

John Jendro
01-05-2010, 8:40 PM
I built the Wood Magazine cyclone and the cone was longer than that one. Maybe he made it shorter because of head room. From what I've read you want a longer cone for better separation.

I wonder if that thing was covered with that much sawdust from operating or just storage.

This is a pic of the Wood Mag. cyclone.


Dave Schreib
01-05-2010, 9:59 PM
I once e-mailed Oneida pictures of a DC that I was looking to buy used and they helped me identify the model and e-mailed me the owners manual. You might give that a try. I have an e-mail address of a rep there if you want it.

Paul Maxwell
01-05-2010, 11:28 PM
I was unable to get a look at it tonight but will tomorrow. Nice to here from some that think it may be worth a shot. Cash is tight but I can make a move if it is the right kind of deal. I have a well thought of unit now with the Delta 50-760 but am wanting to add some extra CFM's for future needs.

Rob Diz
01-11-2010, 10:00 PM
I'd take a nice hard look at that motor if I were you. Unless it is an American (Baldor or Leeson), I'd pass or offer a lot less. It doesn't look like you will be able to hear it under power, so you can't really hear how it works. Bill Pentz has a lot to say about impeller size and design.

If it's a 1 1/2 hp motor, I woudl pass. I just saw the new Griz cyclone for around 850 - current design and first class warranty back up. I woudl hold out for at least 2 real hp on a used model, or I'd be thinking about the Grizz.

I had a 50-760 and sold it for around 250 after I upgraded to a woodsucker cyclone. I purchased the woodsucker for $500. It has a 2 hp Leeson continuous duty motor and it sounded (loud) but smooth during operation. It's a heavy mother, so I also really appreciated having the owner's manual to assist with hanging it on the wall, which was a two man job. Oh, I also got a TON of 26 gauge ducting with my purchase - I had enough straight pipe and fittings to outfit my shop AND sell a ton of fittings for to cover a lot of my remaining costs.

Cyclones are great, but you want to be sure 1) your motors are up to the job; 2) the impeller was designed for the work; and 3) you are getting a quality filter with the transaction.

Cyclones don't come up for sale much, but there is also not a huge demand for them. Given the photos, I'd eitehr drop my offer so even if it didn't perform well, you could still have a close to a zero new cost once you sell your 50-760, or I'd wait.

just my .02