View Full Version : Now Some Bowls

Mike Stephens
01-04-2010, 6:58 PM
First is a Black Cherry bowl 6 5/8 Dia x 2 1/4 tall with turned in rim.

137327 137328

Second we have a White Ash bowl 7 1/8 Dia x 2 1/8 tall with a double bead accenting the rim.

137329 137330137334

Third is a shallow Birch Bowl 9 1/8 Dia x 1 3/8 tall.


I have not posted a lot of pictures of my work because I am very critical. They are never good enough. I want to change that and share my progress with my fellow Creekers.

More to come thanks for looking.


Sean Hughto
01-04-2010, 7:39 PM
They all look great from here. Nice work.

David Christopher
01-04-2010, 7:44 PM
Mike, I think all the bowls look great, my favorite is the cherry. very nice work

Richard Madison
01-04-2010, 7:54 PM
Good to critique one's own work when it leads to improvement. Beautiful job centering the grain on the ash bowl. Very nice work.

gary Zimmel
01-04-2010, 7:56 PM
Nice work on the bowls Mike.
If I only posted projects that had no flaws to me, I wouldn't post anything.
We seem to be our own worst critiques....

Nice job again to me.
My favorite is the shallow Birch.

Allen Neighbors
01-04-2010, 8:08 PM
Well done, Mike, on all three. I also like the styling of the Cherry bowl, and think you really made the grain work on that Ash. Thanks for sharing.

John Keeton
01-04-2010, 8:42 PM
I like 'em all, Mike, but the birch is my pick!! The grain on the ash is nice as well - but, I kept coming back to the birch. Very pretty piece.

Hey Sean Hughto - nice new avatar!!

Bernie Weishapl
01-04-2010, 8:46 PM
I like them all Mike but my pick is the birch. The ash has some great looking grain.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-04-2010, 8:49 PM

They are all well done but that birch sure catches my eye.

Don't be too hard on yourself or your work.

My first project posted here was a basic bonker.

Looking forward to your future projects!

Wayne Jolly
01-04-2010, 8:59 PM
I like all three bowls but I have a question regarding the Birch bowl. A couple of months ago a neighbor across the street took out three birch trees and I got most of the big pieces. These trees were only about 10 years old so not very big. The largest diameter I think was only about 12 inches or maybe a little more. But all of the pieces I have cut are just as white as a wood can be. Even whiter than maple. What did you do to get the color in your birch, or did you get it that way???


David E Keller
01-04-2010, 9:01 PM
Nice trio... Another vote for the shallow birch... It's just a really pretty piece of wood. Nice form on all three with nice curves.

Baxter Smith
01-04-2010, 9:08 PM
I like them all but after looking at them several times, the birch appeals to me the most. Not because of its color or grain, but its graceful line from the side.

Steve Schlumpf
01-04-2010, 9:25 PM
Mike - good to see you posting your work! No matter what level we think we are at - we are still our own worst critiques! Good thing about posting your work is you can find out what works - as well as what needs improvement!

I like all of the bowls. Nice forms, good looking woods and finishes. Like some of the others stated - the shallow birch bowl really stands out. I like the wood but feel it is the open form that really keeps me coming back!

Nice work! Looking forward to seeing more of your work real soon!

01-05-2010, 9:08 AM
Very nice on all of them, but I really like the rim on the ash.


Mike Stephens
01-05-2010, 5:24 PM
My apologizes for the late reply.

I have recently changed jobs and no longer have my laptop. With only 1 commuter in a family of 4 I have very little time on it. It being your only source of news or (TV) kind of entertainment for the last 7 years, I really need 2 machines.

All your kind words are very motivating and I thank you. I have more to share.

I like all three bowls but I have a question regarding the Birch bowl. A couple of months ago a neighbor across the street took out three birch trees and I got most of the big pieces. These trees were only about 10 years old so not very big. The largest diameter I think was only about 12 inches or maybe a little more. But all of the pieces I have cut are just as white as a wood can be. Even whiter than maple. What did you do to get the color in your birch, or did you get it that way???


Wanye the Birch I turned looked very white and very dull when I turned it green. But after drying returning and finishing the true beauty of the wood came shinning through.

I will start a new thread tonight with some more recent work.

Thank U SMC,