View Full Version : Mortise and Tenon-Which Came First?

Gredo Goldenstein
10-14-2004, 10:38 AM
Hello Fellow Creekers-

I am currently attempting to do my first mortise and tenon joints for a project. I am putting a picture frame together and want to join the corners with through mortise and tenon joints. The oak stock I am trying to use is 1" wide by 1/2" thick. I was planning on 1/4" tenons. My question is, which should come first, the mortise or the tenon? Which should "fit" to the other?

Thanks for the advice!

Ken Fitzgerald
10-14-2004, 10:40 AM
Gredo....I recommend making the mortise first and then cut the tenon to fit.

Bob Smalser
10-14-2004, 10:49 AM
For efficiency, the size of the tenon is usually based on the size of your mortise chisel, mortising machine bit, or router bit.

Generally a 1/8 tenon on 3/8 or smaller stock, a 1/4 tenon on 1/2 stock, a 3/8 tenon on 3/4 stock, and a 1/2 tenon on 5/4 stock. I also keep on hand a 5/8, 3/4 and 1" mortise chisels for thicker stock.


Chris Padilla
10-14-2004, 11:15 AM
Some people feel that tuning a tenon is easier than tuning a mortise so cut the mortise and then tune the tenon to fit it.

With a nice set of clean, sharp chisels like Mr. Smalser has, tuning a mortise could actually be easier.

Being a beginner, you may need to tune both!! :)

At least with a tenon, you can add material if you make it too loose and no one will be the wiser.

Dave Brandt
10-14-2004, 11:15 AM
Bob, What are those long, pointy things with the wooden handles? And, is that silver object laying on top of them the power supply?

Bob Smalser
10-14-2004, 11:30 AM
Bob, What are those long, pointy things with the wooden handles? And, is that silver object laying on top of them the power supply?

Them be components of the latest, high-speed/lowdrag prestige mortising machine so trendy today, the component not shown being the large, lead-weighted mallet below:


As a "system"...you can buy the entire package soon from Barr & Co for something just shy of a grand.

But if you are willing to pick thru all the Ebay chisel listings, you'll find that antique tool dealers mostly don't know a mortise chisel from a fishtail gouge, and excepting for the trendy Japanese chisels (which are OK but don't work quite as well), you can pick these up for 2-20 bucks each...the odder the size, the more paid.

Specialist millwright chisels like these were often made by companies collectors don't have much interest in...Douglas, New Haven Edge Tool, Fulton...and when mislabled (typical), are often had for a song.

The long length much, much easier to hold plumb and lever out waste.

Gredo Goldenstein
10-14-2004, 5:31 PM
I want to thank everyone for their advice. I did make a picture frame with 1/4" through tenons. After dry fitted together I checked the inside corners for square, it was pretty good. I did make the mortises with my Delta mortiser and 1/4" chisel and cut the tenons on the table saw and made them a little too big (always easier to make smaller). I fitted the tenons to the mortise as advised and I was happy with the results.

Sorry about no pics, no digital camera. Maybe some day! :)

Chris Padilla
10-14-2004, 6:08 PM
Ya know, Gredo (I feel like Han Solo... ;) ), a digi-cam is right up there with table saws and planers as must have shop items!! :D

Gredo Goldenstein
10-14-2004, 8:18 PM
Ya know, Gredo (I feel like Han Solo... ;) ), a digi-cam is right up there with table saws and planers as must have shop items!! :D


I love the Han Solo/Greedo reference! When I first saw Star Wars in '77 I just about died when there's this green dude named Greedo (pronounced the same but has in extra "e" in spelling) in the cantina and gets blown away.

I agree about the digital camera. The Mrs. and I have wanted one for some time but see a new 'puter in the future first. I am still running Windows '98, slowly.

Chris Padilla
10-15-2004, 11:25 AM
LOL...I'm glad you have a sense of humor about that otherwise you might have ended up in an institution somewhere.... :)