View Full Version : Sharpskate Honing Jig - anyone used one?

Doug Shepard
01-03-2010, 8:23 PM
I spotted this in Ron Hock's new sharpening book and did some googling.
The built in ability to do skew chisels (vs add-on jig for my LV MkII) is rather neat but what caught my eye was the direction of honing with his jig. I used to try freehand Scary Sharp going in that direction and found I got a better edge than the direction all the other jigs make you go. I just didn't like my repeatability going freehand so switched to using the MKII (then a Worksharp). I've picked up some Naniwa stones recently as I'm not totally happy with my Scary or WS3000 results but still wouldn't mind using a guide for repeatability.

Anyone tried one of these Sharpskates?

Andrew Hughes
01-03-2010, 9:34 PM
I have one.I use it when i need to get a perfect edge on one of my small tasai dovetail chisels.I use the side sharping method.Any questions i will be happy to answer.

Derek Cohen
01-04-2010, 2:46 AM
I did a review not too long after Harrelson brought them out ...


Good info there for would-be freehanders.

Regards from Perth


Doug Shepard
01-04-2010, 9:58 AM
Thanks guys. Nice review Derek tho not really being able to use it for BU plane irons is a bit of a bummer.
I guess the narrow chisels is where I really need the jig help. They're just very tough to hold on the bevel going freehand and the MKII doesn't seem to like holding the real narrow ones (< 1/4" or so) well either. How does the SS do on those?