View Full Version : Plane for the Wife or Girlfiend?

Jim Koepke
01-03-2010, 1:09 PM
This is a good laugh on the big auction site.


One buyer asked if it is original.
The seller is pretty sure it is.
Maybe that could have put Stanley into a whole new realm, color coordinated planes.


Michael Peet
01-03-2010, 5:39 PM
Neander Barbie.

Doug Shepard
01-03-2010, 6:09 PM
Aint that the one that Mary Kay cosmetics passes out to it's top performing reps?

Jon Toebbe
01-03-2010, 6:27 PM
When I was teaching, I went to rather extreme measures to keep the "loaner" pencils on my desk from wandering off. It worked pretty well, too... right up until the kids decided there was something subversively chic about hanging on to one of Mr. Toebbe's pink-feathered pencils. :rolleyes:

It got to be such a running gag that some of my kids actually started planting even more outlandishly decorated pencils in the jar. Now if only that worked with tools...

Rob Young
01-03-2010, 8:25 PM
Aint that the one that Mary Kay cosmetics passes out to it's top performing reps?

For makeup removal?

Jim Koepke
01-03-2010, 9:13 PM
Aint that the one that Mary Kay cosmetics passes out to it's top performing reps?

For makeup removal?

For prepping the surface before finish application?


Bill Houghton
01-03-2010, 9:46 PM
that color scheme would guarantee that no one would ask to borrow your tools.

Randal Stevenson
01-04-2010, 12:14 AM
For makeup removal?

I was thinking bikini line shaver.:eek:

George Sanders
01-04-2010, 7:07 AM
LMAS! I want to see that in use!

Megan Fitzpatrick
01-06-2010, 4:49 PM
Man - if that were available in purple, I'd snap it up. Seriously.

David Gendron
01-07-2010, 2:54 AM
Megan, how much would you pay for a purple one??

Megan Fitzpatrick
01-07-2010, 1:23 PM
Got a can of purple spray paint, do ya? I dunno - were it a good user, I might go as high as $40 (of course, my LN and LV LA block planes might get jealous...):)

Alan Zenreich
01-07-2010, 1:50 PM
"Plane for the Wife or Girlfiend? "

My suggestion is you get a plane for each, lest they get jealous.

Joe McMahon
01-07-2010, 2:07 PM
Jim no fair!! I thought it was an offer "planes for wife or girlfriend". I was lookin to trade!:D:D

Randal Stevenson
01-07-2010, 2:30 PM
Jim no fair!! I thought it was an offer "planes for wife or girlfriend". I was lookin to trade!:D:D

Why, you have both for trade?:D (then these images when either reads this):eek::o:(

Jim Koepke
01-07-2010, 3:57 PM
Jim no fair!! I thought it was an offer "planes for wife or girlfriend". I was lookin to trade!:D:D

Already have a wife.

Please send picture of girlfriend.:cool::D


Will Boulware
01-07-2010, 4:01 PM
Jim no fair!! I thought it was an offer "planes for wife or girlfriend". I was lookin to trade!:D:D

My thoughts exactly! Thought someone got a good deal.... :D

Matthew Wright
01-07-2010, 4:06 PM
Patrick's Blood and Gore Plane Website (Supertool) says this:

The plane can be found in several colors of paint (as it originally left Stanley, not the colors commonly found on it from it serving double-duty as a paint drop-cloth). The black and blue japanned models are both fine workers as Stanley's block plane standards didn't suffer tool-death at the same time that the bench planes did; i.e., blue painted block planes are fine whereas the same color on the bench planes should make you scream, run, and seek cover. Definitely stay away from the maroon colored block planes; Stanley must have hired some Greenwich Village arteest to come up with this hideous color.