View Full Version : Craigslist finally paid off

Keith Christopher
01-02-2010, 11:13 PM
I will be going to pick up some of these planes. They guy wants 10$ a piece !
For once craigslist finally delivered something.

I'll post what I decide to keep.

Rob Fisher
01-02-2010, 11:25 PM
Wow! Care to share the craigslist info? :D


David Christopher
01-02-2010, 11:26 PM
Keith, that may be a hard decision, you should get them all.....LOL

James Ogle
01-02-2010, 11:35 PM
Keith you should take orders looks like there are enough to go around. Oh yeah.

harry strasil
01-03-2010, 1:21 AM
some nice looking woodies and transitionals. but I have a full set of each +.

David Gendron
01-03-2010, 2:39 AM
That suck big time, $10 a piece, I would buy a lot of them... even to resale the one that are not the greatest! I guess by living up here, I will save some money and also smoe time... it would be to much work to decide on the one to buy ant to rehab all the one you buy!!

Bill Leonard
01-03-2010, 6:42 AM
I believe I would be tempted to ask for a whole lot price, back up the truck, load and leave. Sort out the keepers and sell the rest.

Paul Saffold
01-03-2010, 8:15 AM

Jon Toebbe
01-03-2010, 10:08 AM
Group buy, anyone? :D

Seriously, that is quite a stash! Have you been to see the guy yet? I'd be interested to hear his story. Those photos are like one of those D.A.R.E. program cautionary tales... yes, kiddies it starts with a simple block plane. But after a few years your basement will look like this!

Baxter Smith
01-03-2010, 10:22 AM
Add says ten dollars and UP. Bummer!

Keith Christopher
01-03-2010, 4:08 PM
What I bought:

Stanley #4 25.00

I was mostly looking for #1 or #2

He collected them over the years in hopes to restore them all but life got in the way and now he has no interest. He has about 100-150 planes all told.

But this guy had a TON of #4 and #5's various coffin planes and wooden jointers, LOTS of blades I mean LOTS, some braces, spokeshaves (missing irons and cap.) but it is worth checking out if you're looking to refurb a few planes.

Here is a pic of it disassembled on my bench ready for cleanup. Bottom is about 95% flat and the mouth is near perfect. Blade is useable and tote and knob are good and not split or cracked.

Keith Christopher
01-04-2010, 7:17 PM
Ok, plane an parts going into evapo-rust tonight. I'll let you know how it works. Pics will be provided.

David Gendron
01-04-2010, 9:05 PM
Of all the choice and price, you pick up only one plane?? If I had only the chance you had...

Keith Christopher
01-04-2010, 9:12 PM
Of all the choice and price, you pick up only one plane?? If I had only the chance you had...

Well 50% were #4 and #5's (how many 4's and 5's does one man need ? :) ) and very badly rusted. Of the wooden planes, many were split on the side, or looked where someone drove the wedge in too hard.

I don't mind restoring a couple, but as many as I could afford? no I don't have the time. However i would be willing to bet he would be glad to ship some to you. :) And trust me, I could go back tomorrow and pick of 10 or 20 more, he had SO many.

Jim Koepke
01-04-2010, 9:12 PM
Looks like that guy was in serious need of a planing stop...

-ducking and running


Keith Christopher
01-05-2010, 1:17 PM
Ok after overnight in evapo-rust here is the frog, blade, chipper, and cap. I took the time to sharpen the blade and polish up the chipper. The body is currently soaking in the evapo-rust and I will clean it up tomorrow. If you compare this to the earlier picture you will see what a GREAT job evapo-rust does. I had very little polishing to do to get this shine. It is amazing stuff. No odor, can put your hands into it safely and it's bio-degradeable! The stains on the rag are from the camellia oil I sprayed on the parts and let it soak in.

Allan Froehlich
01-05-2010, 2:52 PM
I just sent him an email. I hope he calls back.

Mark Stutz
01-05-2010, 9:22 PM
Things usually turn a little gray when I've used Evaporust. What do you use to "polish" ?


Keith Christopher
01-05-2010, 9:40 PM
Things usually turn a little gray when I've used Evaporust. What do you use to "polish" ?



I used a 3600 grit buffing wheel.


Michael Panis
01-06-2010, 12:40 PM
or was he off on vacation while his wife placed the Craigslist add??
