View Full Version : Salt & Pepper shaker help

Terry Murphy
01-02-2010, 3:56 PM
Here is a pair of salt & pepper shakers I made.
The one on the right is pepper. The problem I am having is how to mark either the salt or pepper in some way to tell the difference.
Any ideas?


Allen Neighbors
01-02-2010, 4:11 PM
I've not done any myself, but I've heard that using a "code" in the drilled holes does it.
Like, 3 holes for salt. 5 smaller holes for pepper. Something of that order. Then you don't have to carve or letter the wood.
Just a thought.
By the way, that's a terrific looking set!! :)

Dan Forman
01-02-2010, 4:34 PM
Are they for personal use, or a gift or for sale? Your remedy might vary depending on who would be using them. For me, the one on the right has a very different figure, unless that's just the orientation and the the other one looks the same on the other side. That would be enough to identify it. Usually, the holes tell the story, as Allen suggested. Smaller holes or fewer holes for one than the other. You could also put a groove in the base of the pepper, then burn it with a wire, or glue on another 1/8" contrasting layer of wood at the base, walnut for pepper, maple for salt.


Wayne Jolly
01-02-2010, 4:34 PM
Drill the holes in a "S" and "P" pattern.


Bill Bulloch
01-02-2010, 6:23 PM
It's too late for these shakers, but what I do is drill the hole all the way through and then plug it at the top with different woods. See here:

With those that you have already turned you could use different colored stoppers: Red in the pepper and white in the salt.

Malcolm Tibbetts
01-02-2010, 7:08 PM
Terry, these don't apply to your style shakers (very nice by the way), but someone might like this design - no problem with what's what.

John Keeton
01-02-2010, 7:13 PM
You could burn a couple of lines on the pepper shaker - perhaps on the high spot of your form. BTW, nice shakers and beautiful wood!

Terry Murphy
01-03-2010, 12:50 PM
Thanks for the ideas. I do have the salt drilled with 5 holes, and pepper with three.
John, I thought about your idea, and may try it.
If it doesn't work, the pepper shaker will just be even smaller.
And Malcolm, great!

Its fun

Ps I also like the tooth pick idea as a set.
Sooo many choices!