View Full Version : Morris Chair.

Brian William
01-01-2010, 1:16 PM
Before I vent. Happy New Year to all Creekers. My chair is pretty well done or so I thought,and I'm really ticked. I have discovered that I have the same problem as Ben. The back rest will not fit between the arms of the chair. Luckily I caught it before the front and rear stretchers were cut to length. I have been in touch with Lee Valley and told them of the errors in the plans. Also the the assembly manual. It does not relate to the plans at all. LV was not too impressed when we went through the plans. If anyone has any further issues with these plans you can let me know,as LV will deal with,or so they said. If these guys want to produce plans,they better get them correct. Not all woodworkers have the funds to go out and buy new material to fix their screw ups. I have run into this before with American Furnitue plans, and let it go, this time I'm not. Ok I've vented.
Anyone have anything else to add to the error list. Just pass them along to me.

Keith Christopher
01-01-2010, 3:02 PM
Before I vent. Happy New Year to all Creekers. My chair is pretty well done or so I thought,and I'm really ticked. I have discovered that I have the same problem as Ben. The back rest will not fit between the arms of the chair. Luckily I caught it before the front and rear stretchers were cut to length. I have been in touch with Lee Valley and told them of the errors in the plans. Also the the assembly manual. It does not relate to the plans at all. LV was not too impressed when we went through the plans. If anyone has any further issues with these plans you can let me know,as LV will deal with,or so they said. If these guys want to produce plans,they better get them correct. Not all woodworkers have the funds to go out and buy new material to fix their screw ups. I have run into this before with American Furnitue plans, and let it go, this time I'm not. Ok I've vented.
Anyone have anything else to add to the error list. Just pass them along to me.

Yeah I have run into bad entries in plans, in a woodsmith mag a few years ago they had a plan for a country style bathroom hanging cabinet, the list called for 1/2" stock with 1/4" mortises centered for the doors. I let them know and they appreciated the concern and I believe published a retraction. I hope LV does the same, mistakes will happen, it's the willingness to correct them that matters most.

Sorry to hear about it. Especially when the chair is SO far along and if you're like me, QSWO is not cheap. (like 7.50$ US a bf here.)