View Full Version : Head position

dennis kranz
01-01-2010, 12:56 AM
Do I have to keep the head of the lathe over a leg? Or can it sit almost in the middle of the bed most of the time. Jet 1642.

Steve Schlumpf
01-01-2010, 1:01 AM
Dennis - I usually keep mine close to the halfway point just cause the legs are out of my way and it is easier for me to stand there. When I turn bowls or buff - I move the headstock all the way to the end of the bed - sure saves your back!

alex carey
01-01-2010, 6:40 AM
pretty sure it doesn't really matter, might matter for vibration dampening but really not a huge deal.

Cyril Griesbach
01-01-2010, 9:53 AM
The headstock on that lathe moves as a convenience to the turner not the lathe.

Ryan Baker
01-02-2010, 8:22 PM
You can use it wherever you want. Mine is usually near the middle, except when I am hollowing interiors, in which case it is at the right end. I haven't noticed any difference in vibration at all based on the head location.