View Full Version : #5 - Spalted White Birch - Thanks again, Steve Schlumpf!!

John Keeton
12-31-2009, 3:03 PM
Among the several pieces of nice wood in the "bomb" that Steve Schlumpf sent, (one being the cherry burl from which the goblet was turned), was a bowl blank of beautiful spalted White Birch.

http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=135585&thumb=1&d=1261177084 (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=135585&d=1261177084)
This birch came from the property of one of Steve's friends, just to the west of Ishpeming. Steve loaded up a truckload, sealed the wood and put it in the shade behind his shed. After a few months, it had all spalted, and he roughed out the bowl blanks. That was in 2006!! He still had a few left, and was gracious enough to send one to this fledgling turner!!

I have posted all of the various gifts of wood, but have been hesitant to do much with any of it until my skill level increased, and I became more consistent in my tool control. This morning, I thought I would take on the birch blank!! With fingers crossed, teeth gritted, I chucked it up in the lathe!:o

The wood is striking, and I hope I have not failed Steve in the making of this bowl. In looking at it, I wonder if it should not have been more shallow.

The finish is, again, BLO and shellac. This bowl is #5, and gets a medallion.
I guess the sassafras thinness test was actually a bowl, but I didn't keep it, or count it.

This is my last turning effort for the year!! The shop gets cleaned up, and I am going to get some wipe on poly on this bowl, and do a quick recoat on the top of an old table we have had for awhile.

Then, bring in the new year!! Happy New Year to all of you, and thanks for the ride into this vortex!!

Joe Aliperti
12-31-2009, 3:08 PM
Very nice bowl, John! You certainly did that fine wood justice. I like the rim, and think it compliments the ogee shape of the bowl nicely.

gary Zimmel
12-31-2009, 4:13 PM
Beautiful piece of wood John and you did a great job in bringing out it's best qualities.
The way you are going you will keep George busy making medallions.

Happy New Year to you and Eileen from Geri and I.

Steve Schlumpf
12-31-2009, 4:52 PM
Wow - now that brought a smile to my face!

Great job on the bowl John! Really like the form and your rim treatment! You really have taken to this turning thing quite well! Quite amazed at your progress and can't wait to see what you'll come up with next!

Happy New Year and all the best to you and yours!

David Christopher
12-31-2009, 4:59 PM
John, you have done the birch justice......man, you are turning these things out like a production turner. if you keep this up you will run out of wood soon

Sid Matheny
12-31-2009, 5:18 PM
Another beauty John, thanks for sharing it with us.


David E Keller
12-31-2009, 5:20 PM
Very nice bowl. It is beautiful wood, and you've done a nice job with it. I would like the footprint of the bowl to be a little smaller but that's just a personal preference.

Your progress has been pretty amazing. I hope there are still trees left when my shop gets warm enough to turn in.

Brian Effinger
12-31-2009, 5:47 PM
Another wonderful bowl. Beautiful. I really like the rim that you gave to it.

And Happy New Year to you, as well.

Chris Haas
12-31-2009, 6:00 PM
great job yet again john. i must say, i am very very jealous of your shop time youve posted more bowls in the past month than i've had time to complete in a year. great job

Toney Robertson
12-31-2009, 6:04 PM

Beautiful wood and great form.

You have quite an eye.


Rob Cunningham
12-31-2009, 6:53 PM
Another great looking bowl John. I really like the shape and the rim.
Happy New Year to all.

Bernie Weishapl
12-31-2009, 7:58 PM
Beautiful bowl John. I do like the rim on it. Really nice looking wood.

John Keeton
12-31-2009, 8:50 PM
I appreciate all of you taking the time to look and comment. Actually, Steve did all the hard work, obtained the wood, let it spalt and roughed it out. The beauty of the wood really stands out and overshadows the deficiencies in my turning skills.

I am enjoying this bowl turning thing, though, and kind of hate to see this holiday season come to a close. My work schedule is usually flexible, and I try not to work at all on Fridays. But, December is historically a slow month for me, and that is why I have been able to get some of these done. My available shop time will be less after this weekend. Probably a good thing. When I run through these generous gifts of wood, I will need to start scrounging for sources!!;)

The wet stuff that I have available will be a long time drying!

Baxter Smith
12-31-2009, 11:12 PM
Very pretty! I like the finish. Will have to try it.

Ken Vonk
12-31-2009, 11:35 PM
John, You're just going to have to try turning green wood. It's an a lot of fun and makes you feel like you can turn anything. There's nothing like sending a ribbon of wood ten or fifteen feet through the air...lol

The bowl looks great. It looks like you did a great job keeping a continuous, smooth and pleasing curve throughout the length of the outside of the bowl.


Ken Fitzgerald
12-31-2009, 11:43 PM
John....very nicely done!

Bill Bolen
01-01-2010, 12:38 AM
I gotta say John your turnings are very impressive, especially for a guy just getting started!! Wish my first 100 or so were as good as what you are posting... Bill..