View Full Version : sharpening Jig

John Powers
12-30-2009, 8:25 PM
I have used the side clamping basic plain jane jig and like it. Won't hold some chisels and the wheel in the center can be tricky but overall I think it and a stone are all you need. BUT, the Richard Kell jigs look enticing. Anyone have pro and con and is there any reason besides a few bucks to go with the narrow one over the wider one. The LL Bean PJ's are going back so there may be a few bucks to spend. Trying to figure how the Bossa Nova beats works on my guitar so I can't obsess over sharpening. Any firsthand input on the Kell jig would be appreciated.

Kent A Bathurst
12-30-2009, 9:58 PM
I have both Kell jigs - because I got the first one when there was only one. Then, I got the larger model when it came out - for plane irons. Well made - work well for all my chisels and irons. No - I cannot think of a reason why you need both.

If you are interested my narrow version, send me a PM - except I just finished telling you why you probably don't want it. Poor sales job, eh? But - if you only want it for chisels, and want to save a few buck, lemme know.