View Full Version : Mesquite Show report

Kirk (KC) Constable
10-12-2004, 8:32 PM
In case anybody's interested, I had pretty much a miserable show this year. Lowest sales since I started having stuff to sell, including when I was 'borrowing space' in somebody else's booth. :(
That said, the sales did cover expenses, and we really didn't need to sell anything. Also got to visit with several previous customers, all of whom are still very happy, and we ate some good food while we were there.

Anybody that didn't get around this year really needs to check it out next year...there's some awfully good work shown. Thanks to Theresa for stopping by to visit...


Gilbert Vega
10-12-2004, 11:28 PM
I attended the show (my first one) and although I though it would be much larger, I thoroughly enjoyed it. There was some very beautiful pieces. Sorry to hear about the low sales. What were you selling?

Kirk (KC) Constable
10-13-2004, 7:49 AM
I had two Mission rockers and the desk with a Corian top (lower pavillion by the snack bar). This was the largest show ever in terms of vendors. Traffic seemed a bit slower than normal, especially on Friday and Sunday. You shoulda stopped and visited.


Mark Duksta
10-13-2004, 7:54 AM
I also went to the show. I noticed that there were more Sam Maloof style rockers there this year then in the past. Two years ago I only saw two booths with rockers, this year there must have been five or six.

LOML wants a couple of book cases. I think they would look great made out of mesquite. There's a lumber supplier here in Austin that has mesquite plywood. I need to check it out.

Mark D.

Lee Schierer
10-13-2004, 9:45 AM
Sorry to hear about the slow show. Mesquite is a great looking wood. Just heard you aren't coming north for the BBQ. We were looking forward to seeing you again.

John Bush
10-13-2004, 1:50 PM
Hi Kirk
I was in San Antonio last weekend for the first of 6 seminars and was wondering about the availability of mesqite for turning and the logic of hauling some chunks back to Seattle. What kind of density? How big of a chunk weighs 50#s. I won't have time to shop for any myself, but I have friends living there that could maybe chase some down for me so I can box it up to ship as luggage. Is a root ball better grain pattern, and is mesquite a good turning wood? My next trip is Nov.5th-7th. Thanks for your help. John
P.S. There could possibly be a trade for Salmon and Dungeness crab here. JCB

Michael Ballent
10-13-2004, 1:56 PM
I have had hit and miss when I have had shows... Sometimes it's hard to compete with fine furniture when people are just looking for the distressed look. I have seen things that were made awfully fly off the shelves while the nice stuff was just collecting dust :(. Hopefully you will be able to move some stuff next time :D

Kirk (KC) Constable
10-13-2004, 6:31 PM
There were indeed five or six 'Hensarling' (Maloof) style rockers, and one 'Hal Taylor' style...all in a row. The one that resembles the Taylor rocker is probably the finest I've ever put my big butt in. Had I had some of those rockers for sale, I think I woulda been a bit miffed at having four or five others all around me. I don't know that anybody sold one, but if they did I can't imagine they got their asking price.

My buddy (booth next to mine) is all rustic, and he had one of his worst years at that show. Sometimes you've got what they want and sometimes you don't. :( I've carried that desk to two shows, and it hasn't gotten much attention...so it's officially LOML's now. I've sold a Mission rocker the past two years, so bringing that home was a bit of a letdown. It has some incredible wood in it, but the seat isn't quite right. New seat will be at the upholsterer in the next couple days.

To answer the turning question...yes. It's a joy to turn, and is pretty stable even very green. I seem to recall people talking about it weighing 10lbs a board foot, but that seems high to me.


Chris Padilla
10-13-2004, 7:52 PM
Hi Kirk
I was in San Antonio last weekend for the first of 6 seminars and was wondering about the availability of mesqite for turning and the logic of hauling some chunks back to Seattle. What kind of density? How big of a chunk weighs 50#s. I won't have time to shop for any myself, but I have friends living there that could maybe chase some down for me so I can box it up to ship as luggage. Is a root ball better grain pattern, and is mesquite a good turning wood? My next trip is Nov.5th-7th. Thanks for your help. John
P.S. There could possibly be a trade for Salmon and Dungeness crab here. JCB


There is some info in the link above but, unfortunately, there isn't any density or weight numbers given. There is a hardness number given but I'm unclear how that might transfer into weight or density. I can tell you that it is heavy...heavier than hard maple. Kirk even provided his thoughts on what I posted.

Gary Max
10-13-2004, 7:54 PM
We do half a dozen shows a year and I think you will find traffic is down. I wish we could afford to do the big high dollar shows. I have a freind who does them and his sales are still strong. But traveling all over three states and spending the kind of money he has to-- is out of my reach.---getting old ain't any fun.