View Full Version : Christmas Ornaments

steven carter
12-30-2009, 10:22 AM
These made it to the tree before I could get pictures. The first is walnut and maple, and the second is maple and ebonized maple. Rattle can laquer finish.

Thanks for looking,

Steve Mawson
12-30-2009, 11:09 AM
Very nice, I especially like the way you treated the globe part. Was that pierced with an air tool?

steven carter
12-30-2009, 11:20 AM

First I used a drill press and drilled randomly spaced holes. Then use a small burr with a flex shafted rotary tools, finished by using a diamond rotary bit to clean up the holes.


Steve Schlumpf
12-30-2009, 12:25 PM
Nice variation on the ornament globes!

Terry Murphy
12-30-2009, 2:09 PM
Nice ornaments! Someday I would like to get the nerve to start drilling holes in some hollow forms.
thanks for sharing.

steven carter
12-30-2009, 2:18 PM

You just have to take the plunge! (pun intended)


Mike Peace
12-30-2009, 3:28 PM
I like those. I have not done any piercing but you may have inspired me to start - small!

Bernie Weishapl
12-30-2009, 11:20 PM
Really nice ornaments Steven. Like the piercing.