View Full Version : New pic of a pen with new camera

Dennis McGarry
12-29-2009, 8:14 PM
Ok trying to get the hang of the new camera, here is a better pic of one of the Twins I turned right before xmas...

Steve Schlumpf
12-29-2009, 8:16 PM
That works for me! What did you get for a camera? I was looking to pick up the Canon T1i - and then everyone was suddenly sold out!

Bernie Weishapl
12-29-2009, 9:02 PM
Pic's looks good and a great looking pen.

Dennis McGarry
12-29-2009, 9:24 PM

In looking at it again now, i seem to have washed out the colors a tad in post processing,

It was taken with a nikon d40x with the 18-55mm kit lens in macro mode..

I paid 350 for it used, Still can be found for about 400.00 but if looking for a new camera, take a look at the d3000 its the replacement for the d40x.

Nice camera as well! It has a .5in larger lcd, 11 point autofocus compared to 3 on the d40x. If I was buying new I would have taken the d3000 but for the price on the d40x i couldnt pass it up.

check dpreview for a great write up on it.
BB has it for 499.99 or 650 with a extra 55-200 lens

Jim McFarland
12-29-2009, 9:44 PM
Good looking pen & photo! Well done. Is that a Cetacean Seas PR blank?

Cliff Holmes
12-30-2009, 2:22 AM
In looking at it again now, i seem to have washed out the colors a tad in post processing

I think you may have overexposed or pushed the exposure adjustment just a bit too much.

Also, realize that viewing images in a browser is a tricky business. Most browsers completely ignore the color profile info in the image that would help them display it properly. AFAIK, only Safari respects color profiles.

Having said that, your shot outdoes more than a few of my fellow "professional" photographers.

Dennis McGarry
12-30-2009, 8:33 AM
Yes that is the Cetacean Seas from Exotic's. Great blank! I made a set of "twins" on diplomats out of it!

Cliff, thank you for the compliment. I am finding out that not only is taking the pics a pain but also getting them to look right is also. Different monitors, color profiles, etc... But I am learning....

I need to get some more kits after the first of the year and make more, otherwise I will be taking pics of old pens and thats no fun.. :)