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View Full Version : Inlay dovetails using C'man Jig????

Mike Tempel
10-12-2004, 3:56 AM
Has anyone ever done inlayed dovetails using the Craftsman Dovetail jig? If so how did you do it? I was wondering if it could be done with an oversize dovetail bit for the first pass, scab in some wood into the dovetails and then trim it off and do another set of dovetails using a smaller bit thus ending up with the inlayed look. This sounds credible but with the jig I don't see how it is possible since you have to use a certain guide bushing and certain bit to make the dovetails in the first place. If you have any experience with this please let me know - I would be very appreciative. I am really trying to convince myself that the D4 is just out of my reach right now but it ain't lookin' good!!!!

Thanks in advance for any responses. Mike.

Tom Hintz
10-12-2004, 5:33 AM
This sounds like something you just need to try! I would be very careful to check for adequate clearances between the bits and jig of course.... but what else do you have to lose besides some scrap?
Maybe someone has tried it (I have not) with a Craftsman jig and will post that experience.
I do have to say that I have used far flimsier excuses to buy a cool tool! Especially something as cool as the D4.

Have fun!

Jim Becker
10-12-2004, 8:58 AM
I don't know if the C'man unit will do it, but a fellow recently posted pics on WOOD Online of some inlayed dovetails he did...and it was his first experience with the D4. Flipped me out!