View Full Version : Christmas Gloats and my loss

Michael E. Thompson
12-27-2009, 10:45 PM
What a week. The good news, two new Thompson tools, a 3/8" spindle gouge and a 3/8" u-bowl gouge. Need to make the handles yet, but looking forward to using them. Also, I have been wanting to get into some hollowing, the in-laws also got me the Robert Sorby multi-tip tool. See attached pictures.

Also included is my first attempt of a hollow form. A somewhat punky piece of very pretty cherry. Finished with one coat of BLO. I'm not sure if I will finish it completely because of some pretty poor tear-out areas, but happy with my first attempt. Approx. 6" dia. and 2-1/2 tall with the thickness anywhere from 1/4"-3/8".

The sad news is that I lost my grandfather to cancer two days before Christmas, he was 91. My grandpa is the guy who introduced me to woodworking when I was nine, 25 years ago. We made many, many projects together and he taught me so many things in working with wood. He made so many truly beautiful items from clocks to furniture. He will be sorely missed.

Not trying to be a downer, I just wanted to give credit to the guy that made me a good woodworker (and turner).

Thanks for looking.


Matt Ranum
12-27-2009, 10:52 PM
Nice job and congrats on the tools!

On a sadder note, my thoughts and prayers to you and your family concerning your Grandad, they don't make many like the ole' timers any more. My Dad has recently been diagnosed with prostate and Bone cancer and just found a couple more spots to take biopsies on this week. He's going to 80 this spring.

George Guadiane
12-27-2009, 10:55 PM
Even in your sadness, it is NICE that you remember your grandfather for his positive contribution to your life, and how, even now, the thoughts of him and your relationship brings you a certain joy.
Congratulations on the new toy and condolences for your loss of a loved one.
Keep those fond memories!

Steve Schlumpf
12-27-2009, 11:02 PM
Michael - sorry to hear of the loss of your grandfather! Sounds like you have many warm memories of him and the times you spent together! Thoughts & prayers sent your way!

Congrats on your new tools!

Sid Matheny
12-27-2009, 11:11 PM
Nice looking first HF that should be finished in MHO. Sorry for your loss of your grandfather. My dad will turn 90 in a couple of weeks and I have to say that was a great generation that can't be replaced.


Jeff Nicol
12-28-2009, 6:00 AM
They say the day we are born is the beginning of our death, it is the things we do before that day in the end that matter. It is a sad day for your family but your Grandfathers memories will live on in you and everyone he touched. Thank you for sharing your loss and gains, he taught you the good stuff!


John Keeton
12-28-2009, 7:21 AM
Your grandfather left a great legacy - a grandson that is a woodworker, and appreciates the close relationship the two of you formed. In the end, memories are the only things that are lasting.

On a positive, you will love the Thompson tools, and great job on the HF. Looks like you put the Sorby to the test.

Michael E. Thompson
12-28-2009, 8:43 AM
Thanks for all the kind words. He truly was a great man and taught me so much more than just woodworking.

Now, off to do some turning.


Rob Cunningham
12-28-2009, 8:58 AM
Michael, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It sounds like you have many good memories to cherish.

Jake Helmboldt
12-28-2009, 10:19 AM
Michael, finish that piece; it is too pretty, especially for a first attempt to not do so. Stabilize any punky wood with wood hardener and/or CA glue and fill the voids and it will be a nice little piece. Maybe consider it a virtual urn holding fond memories and inspiration of your grandpa and put it in the house where you'll see it and think of him.

David E Keller
12-28-2009, 1:13 PM
Sorry for your loss. I'm glad you really appreciate what a wonderful friend and mentor that your grandfather seems to have been. Sounds like you'll always have some very special memories to carry with you.

Jim Underwood
12-28-2009, 5:04 PM
I've heard or read somewhere that if you submerge that punky stuff in a 50/50 mixture of oil (danish or watco?) and turpentine until it sinks, then pull it out and let it dry, that it will turn like butter with very little tearout.

Sorry for your loss, but glad you can remember the good times you had.

Hope you continue the legacy Mike...

Dolan Brown
12-28-2009, 7:00 PM

Congrats on the new tools. Sorry to hear of the loss of your Grandfather and mentor. You will always have great memories of him while you are working in your shop.

I hope I am around in a few years when my two grandsons get old enough to teach them some woodworking.

David Drickhamer
12-28-2009, 7:24 PM
Sorry to hear of the loss of your granddad. I sound like you have many memories and by looking at your HF he was a good teacher.