View Full Version : Knocking the shine off high gloss epoxy resin

Zsolt Paul
12-26-2009, 2:27 PM
What is the easiest way to bring the shine down to a satin on a high gloss table top poured on epoxy resin? Would it be one of those 3M disks?

Is anyone aware of a thick pour on product similar to the epoxy resin that produces a satin finish? I am not aware of any, and if there isn't, is there a wipe or brush on product that would give similar results to spraying? So far all polys I tried never came out as smooth as spraying...


Craig Fales
12-26-2009, 8:02 PM
Try steel wool, 000 should do a good job.

Scott Holmes
12-27-2009, 11:25 PM
I'd use 4/0000 steel wool from awoodworkiing store or mail order steelwool at W**mart or other stores is not a uniform as that made for WW.

Zsolt Paul
12-30-2009, 12:52 PM
Thanks for the replies. Any input about a similar product to the table top epoxy resin but in satin? If it doesn't exist, is this the best way to make high gloss epoxy look flatter or to coat it with something else?

Scott Holmes
12-31-2009, 1:56 AM
Buff it with 0000 steelwool for a satin finish.

Joe Kieve
01-01-2010, 9:54 AM
Just a thought, you might try Scotchbrite pads. Start with a gray pad which will give it a flat look and then bring up the shine to a satin by changing to a white pad. My 2 cents...
Happy New Year! :)
