View Full Version : A belated ornament post

David Walser
12-26-2009, 3:49 AM
Ever since our three kids were young, we've been giving each of them an ornament to commemorate each Christmas. Our tree is now filled with these ornaments. This year, we decided (that is, my wife decided) I'd make the ornaments for our children. Inspired by the beautiful segmented ornaments made by Curt Fuller, I made four segmented ornaments this year. (The extra one was for my parents.) I also made a birdhouse ornament for my wife. (Someday our kids will marry and take their ornaments with them and our tree will be bare.)

Details: The segmented ornaments are made from

cocobolo and birds-eye maple, the segments are separated by plastic "pick guard" material,
cocobolo and yellow heart, and
cocobolo and flame box elder

The birdhouse is made from a piece bocote left over from the handle I turned for my wife's ice cream scoop last year. The roof and finial are from a branch off our flowering pear tree that I found in the firewood pile.

Comments and critiques are welcome. Hoped for, even.

John Keeton
12-26-2009, 6:54 AM
David, I really like the combinations - particularly the cocobolo and BE maple. The addition of the plastic adds a nice element of division - looks good! Interesting little birdhouse, too! Those things are kinda cute - I need to try one.

Ron Bontz
12-26-2009, 9:28 AM
Just beautiful Dave. I'm jealous. Happy holidays.:)

Bernie Weishapl
12-26-2009, 10:36 AM
Those are beauties for sure. Well done.

Steve Schlumpf
12-26-2009, 10:43 AM
Nice work on everything David! Really like the wood combinations!

David Walser
12-26-2009, 3:47 PM
Thanks to everyone who replied. I appreciate the encouragement.

Since I was just processing my Christmas photos (Remember when you dropped them off at the drug store?), I thought I'd share some pictures of the ornaments in situ. Sorry about the poor picture quality; they were taken hand-held, without flash or additional lighting. Here they are:

Jim Kountz
12-26-2009, 4:10 PM
Really nice ornaments, Im sure they will be treasured forever!!

Brian Effinger
12-26-2009, 4:11 PM
Good looking ornaments Dave. I especially like the birdhouse. :)


David E Keller
12-26-2009, 5:50 PM
Very nice. The finish looks wonderful. Nice contrasting woods, and the pick guard adds a nice detail.

Matt Ranum
12-26-2009, 6:48 PM
Those are just beautiful, and I too love that deep finish.

David Walser
12-28-2009, 11:08 PM
Some of you mentioned the finish, so I thought I'd offer some details.

The segmented ornaments were finished by sanding the globe to 400 grit and then buffing using Tripoli, white diamond and wax. The icicles and finials were sanded through 400 grit and then wet sanded with micro mesh up through 3800 grit. (I used mineral spirits as the wet sanding lubricant. Don't do that! I ruined my micro mesh.) After assembly, the ornaments were given one coat of gloss lacquer out of the spray can.
The birdhouse was finished entirely through sanding and buffing. Each part was sanded through 400 grit and buffed with Tripoli, white diamond, and wax. It was then assembled and no additional finish was applied.

Thanks again for the comments and encouragement. They are much appreciated.