View Full Version : It all started with a new couch!

Jeff Nicol
12-25-2009, 4:51 PM
My Christmas Story


Jeffrey Nicol

It all began a few weeks ago, our old couch had been through some tough times with the kids and friends and dogs. My darling wife came to me one day and asked "Would it be alright if we buy an new couch?" Of course me, being the scroogey type said I would have to think it over..............a week or so passes and the couch is no longer on sale and she says to forget about it. As a few more days pass another sale flyer comes out and the same couch is in it again, I read the add and see that it has 2 recliner sections on either end and a nice fold down table in the middle. I struggle a bit with my stingy side and say to myself "Why not let her get the couch, she uses it a lot at night when she can't sleep, and besides I could use some brownie points!" So I tell her to go buy the couch and she does, it will be delivered in a couple of days. So in the mean time we try and try to give the old couch away. Mind you it is a sofa sleeper with some weight, and it is really in great shape, (I embellished a bit in the beginning) so finally we ask my wife's sister and they are more than happy to take it off our hands, so that dilema is taken care of. Our son was home from the Air Force so he helped his uncle get the old couch out the too small front door ( Very old house and they did not think a 36" door was a good thing!) So on to the next stage of the story...................................

As most of you know my wife and I became grandparents for the first time on Monday the 21st, but I was not able to see the little turner to be until Tuesday. I was behind on Christmas pen turnings and needed some more pen kits, so I had planned to visit the baby and the family then go to a Rockler or Woodcraft store. When it came time to go I hugged them all and went on my merry way. Since the Rockler outlet store was only a mile away I wnt there and bought what I needed and then browsed around a bit, when low and behold a nice little lathe was being sold with a $50 gift card, I looked, I paused, I thought...........Maybe, just maybe this is why I caved in and let my wife get the new couch! So I dug into my deepest reserves of my soul ( I am pretty weak when it comes to tools ) and to myself "Why not!, she can't fire me and I do great things with my lathes!" I asked the saleman if they had one in a box and they said "Sure we do" and that is when I became the proud owner of a Delta 46-460! With the $50 gift card all the pen stuff I got was pretty much free, ( Not really, but sounds good ) and off I head towards home with a smile and a sack of McDonalds fries and an burger! When I got home I called the LOML and told her I made it home and all is well, then she asks " How much money did you spend?" Of course I can not tell a lie and the truth was told, she did not bat an eye and said that I work hard and deserve a new toy!

Here are some pictures of the before and after shots where I put the new lathe, of course I had to scramble and figure out what to do with my littel Steel City mini-lathe. I called fellow creeker Mike Svoma who only lives 30 miles away, who happened to be coming down on Wednesday, it he wanted to buy it. Of course he did!!! So out with the old and in with the new and a few other toys to go with the lathe makes for a very Merry Christmas!

The End

Long winded but fun!

Merry Christmas to all,


Steve Mawson
12-25-2009, 5:24 PM
Looks like a very nice Christmas. Nice lathe for sure, I like mine.

David E Keller
12-25-2009, 5:33 PM
That looks great, Jeff. Still waiting on pics of the newest addition to your family(the baby, not the lathe). Merry Christmas.

Steve Schlumpf
12-25-2009, 5:46 PM
Jeff - Merry Christmas!

Agree with Dave - waiting for photos of the grandson!

Very nice little lathe and an entertaining story to go with it! Looks like it should be a fun little lathe to work with. Looking forward to your review!

Congrats to Mike for getting a 'new' lathe! Looking forward to seeing some new turnings from both of you real soon!

John Keeton
12-25-2009, 7:44 PM
As I recall, Jeff has a thread on the new grandbaby already, with pics of the proud parents, as well.

Jeff, congrats on the lathe, and from one who has looked at this lathe a couple of times, when you get a chance, give us a review of your thoughts. I take it that you did not get the bed extension?

Neat story, BTW, and Mike looks pleased with his haul! Everyone is a winner! Wife, you, Mike - perfect plan!

Steve Schlumpf
12-25-2009, 7:53 PM
I just went back and looked at your thread about to many interruptions and finally found the photos of your grandson! Very nice photos! I kept checking in on the thread for updates - just missed the photos!



Bernie Weishapl
12-25-2009, 8:45 PM
Congrats Jeff on the lathe. You have had quite a Christmas.

Matt Ranum
12-25-2009, 9:16 PM
Indeed, a most excellent Christmas, wonderful gifts all a round.

Jeff Nicol
12-26-2009, 5:48 AM
Thanks for the comments all! I have been so busy with everything, more like spinning my wheels and not gettng anythingdone! That I figured it was time for me! The little Delta is one of the sweetest lathes I have ever owned, it is smooth and super quiet with tons of power from the 1hp motor. I think it will work much better when I do my demo's this summer as I will be able to do some larger things without any trouble. The grandson is doing wonderful and my wife says he is a night owl right now, but hopefully that will change as he grows. It is such a wonderful thing to share things with so many caring and nice people on SMC, it is a gift in itself.

I turned the little spindle out of some old growth fir that was used to build my garage back in the 1930's, I kept some pieces when I added the back door and things. It is very hard and pretty wood.

David, I hope you found the pictures like Steve and John said, he is a little gem!


Harvey M. Taylor
12-26-2009, 8:28 AM
Hi Jeff,
after losing my Sioux angle drill/grinder to dust invasion, I was pleased to see my new Delta midi's motor was sealed.Great improvement. Hope you ehjoy yours as much as I am mine, Max

Mike Svoma
12-26-2009, 10:48 PM
Thanks for all the goodies, Jeff. It's pretty cool, I stop in at Jeff's house to see how things are going and I walk out with a new lathe (to me) and stand, 2 blocks of oak burl that I am going t be using to make some lamps for the house, some 8/4 and 12/4 cherry boards, and help loading up the trunk. It doesn't get any better than this.

Jeff Nicol
12-27-2009, 5:32 AM
Thanks all for reading the goofy story! It has been a busy year for me and my family!

Max, I have an old Sioux angle drill that I use for power sanding and it has had so much dirt and grime in it over the years, I can't believe it still keeps going! I love the new lathe too!

Mike, You know when you stop and my shop no one goes home empty handed!

Take care all,


Brian Effinger
12-27-2009, 10:45 AM
Congrats on the new lathe. I've had one for the past few months and love it with one exception. I'm not crazy about delta's banjo. It doesn't seem to want to lock down on the tool rest hard enough. If I am roughing out, the rest has a nasty tendency to move a little - especially the 12" one.

Gary Chester
12-27-2009, 4:31 PM
But where's the picture of the couch?!?!? HA!

Mike Svoma
12-27-2009, 8:41 PM
Gary.....thanks for pointing that out. I was inside. I never saw a couch. Is there really a couch? LOL

Jeff Nicol
12-28-2009, 6:12 AM
Here is the new couch, jeepers I thought you guys were all into wood and stuff! Maybe you are watching to much Martha Stewart stuff on TV!!


John Keeton
12-28-2009, 7:30 AM
Here is the new couch, jeepers I thought you guys were all into wood and stuff! Maybe you are watching to much Martha Stewart stuff on TV!!

JeffEvery now and then, we have to get in touch with our feminine side - also helps us score points with the wife!!!:D;) Particularly important around this time of year!!

Mauricio Ulloa
12-28-2009, 8:56 AM
Very nice story! Thanks for sharing it with us. Congrats for being such a great grandpa and very well deserved new lathe! Enjoy all those blessings!