View Full Version : New idea?

Walt Nicholson
12-23-2009, 6:37 PM
The LOML saw this and said "I bet you could make those in your shop." to which I replied "that's way over my head" but thought it was a cool idea for the laser guys. Maybe it's an old idea but I had not seen one before and thought something like that with the customer's name (or whatever) on it could be a potential money maker for someone (unless there are some of those silly copyright things involved). :D http://www.miniot.com/miniot/iphone.htm

Mitchell Andrus
12-23-2009, 6:46 PM
This is a CAD CAM deal all the way. There's a lot of work in these, like the cobra model for instance.

80 Euros, well over $100.00 US I think.

I'm thinking making the cases is only 1/3 of the problem. Marketing is the other 90%.

keith ouellette
12-23-2009, 7:44 PM
That is really cool. I know I can't make one.

Greg Wittler
12-23-2009, 8:01 PM
a guy I work with bought one earlier this year and the quality was very nice (it should be since it cost him about $100.00 or more shipped from Europe) but there was one problem. The first time he dropped it, it broke.

Sean Nagle
12-24-2009, 4:03 PM
My iPhone antennas sucks as they are. I don't think I would want to shield them with any more material.

Victor Robinson
12-24-2009, 5:59 PM
My buddy got one of those when they first came out (in padauk). It was a lovely piece of work.