View Full Version : My Router Table Extension on an R4511

Scott Hildenbrand
12-23-2009, 3:31 PM
Well, I'm 99% done with my extension and I'd thought I'd show how I did it.

Since I'm not in the mood quiet yet to run out and buy a new fence system that will cost dang near as much as I actually bought the saw for, I'm working with what is there.

The split rail is a pain for sure. Because of this I wanted to be sure there was plenty of support for the router table.

The BEST way I could do this was to remove the granite extension wing on the right and to tie into the table itself, as well as the rails for support.

The extension itself is made out of red oak from the BORG and measures 27" deep by 28.5" wide. This gives plenty of room to mount the router.

http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs152.snc3/17942_1279674799559_1460724611_30742254_7163603_n. jpg

The top is 3/4" MDF which sits inside the oak frame on cleats made from scrap oak. It's also screwed down to these cleats, though only because the MDF was sitting around for a while and developed a slight bow.

For the front rail, since I am working with the factory fence, I'll need to extend the 2.5" angle iron out. This will be supported by the fence rail itself, which will thus support the end of the extension.

http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs152.snc3/17942_1279674839560_1460724611_30742255_3679330_n. jpg

The plate was fun to route out.. I ended up making a template out of luan and cutting it out with a jigsaw.. Then taped it down and started working the material out.. MDF makes ungodly large amounts of dust! I don't think I'll be routing it ever again, if at all possible.

http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs152.snc3/17942_1279674879561_1460724611_30742256_4867063_n. jpg

Now, I did bore the plate out to allow for an above table adjustment to be used, but frankly since it's so easy to get to, I can just reach under the extension, flick the lock lever and adjust it with the knob, all without bending over. So I doubt I'll be using any above table adjustment.

http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs152.snc3/17942_1279674919562_1460724611_30742257_1960522_n. jpg

All in all, really happy with this.. I've got to route out for the combo miter slot and get that in place.

I've got to get the electrical box done for it, tying it into the saws power cord.. I think I'm going to move it around back and just redo it all so that the cords are always out of the way.

Anyway, after this project is done, next step will be a good outfeed table.. I've decided to use a hollow core door for that. Still planning out everything though.

Greg Peterson
12-23-2009, 3:43 PM
Looks great. Very nice work.

JohnT Fitzgerald
12-23-2009, 4:06 PM
Scott, that looks great. I hope it works out well for you.

keith ouellette
12-23-2009, 4:17 PM
Thats nice work. I attached mine in a similar fashion except I made extension/router table very large which created problems for me but I wanted a big extension so.....

Looks great.

Scott Hildenbrand
12-23-2009, 4:22 PM
Thanks, eh... :)

I was thinking about going larger with it however held back for two reasons... 1) The factory rails, I don't feel would work well with a large extension.. If I go with a Shop Fox 52" later, than sure.. and 2) mobility.. Though I don't move it around much, it's nice to still be able to slide it off to the side.

For right now though, it's all I need.. Especially in my puny little shop space.. :)

I'm 80% sure I'm going with a fold down style outfeed table due to the space issues.

Any thoughts on adding some angle support to this thing? Just to make sure there's not too much stress on the top.

I like what this guy did (http://home.comcast.net/%7Esparc/woodworking/IMG_1143.JPG), but can not find anything about the bars used (http://home.comcast.net/%7Esparc/woodworking/IMG_1136.JPG)..

Adam Strong
12-23-2009, 8:15 PM
Thanks, eh... :)
I like what this guy did (http://home.comcast.net/%7Esparc/woodworking/IMG_1143.JPG), but can not find anything about the bars used (http://home.comcast.net/%7Esparc/woodworking/IMG_1136.JPG)..

Those bars are repurposed. They are security bars for a sliding glass door. Check out a local BORG and you should have no trouble finding them.

Scott Hildenbrand
12-23-2009, 8:23 PM
Huh... Really... I saw he also used them as legs on an outfeed table... I'll certainly have to look into them and see how I can use them as such.. Thanks for the info.. :)