View Full Version : It Is Aliiiiiiiiiiiiive ...

Cliff Holmes
12-22-2009, 11:14 PM
She is soooooo gonna freak out ...

John Keeton
12-22-2009, 11:24 PM
Your yellow makes me GREEN! Congratulations! I suspect if you haven't done some serious Christmas shopping, you better get started.;)

Cliff Holmes
12-22-2009, 11:49 PM
No, no. This is *her* Christmas present.

Bernie Weishapl
12-22-2009, 11:54 PM
Oh hey Uncle Cliff could you get me one of those for Christmas? Huh Uncle Cliff.;):rolleyes::cool:

She is going to be so pleased Cliff. I would love to see the look on her face.

Ken Fitzgerald
12-22-2009, 11:59 PM
You are right... she will go ballistic!

Greg Ketell
12-23-2009, 12:06 AM
The fun is just about to begin!

Great job.

gary Zimmel
12-23-2009, 12:40 AM
'Freak out" I think is going to be a bit of an understatement...

Great present Cliff.

Peter Luch
12-23-2009, 1:14 AM
And she NEVER even thought she would want to turn wood...............:D

Jim Sebring
12-23-2009, 2:08 AM
That's gonna be real hard to hide for the next couple of days :D

Dan Forman
12-23-2009, 5:02 AM
How do you plan on hiding it for the next few days?


Cliff Holmes
12-23-2009, 5:10 AM
We rarely exchange gifts for any occasion. I told her that I had found a little something I thought she'd like, but it's too clumsy to wrap so it's in the shop and I'll bring it in Christmas Eve. And no, before someone says it again, she's not an evil schemer who's going to peek.

art san jr
12-23-2009, 5:52 AM

There's gonna be a very happy lady. Season's Best.


John Keeton
12-23-2009, 7:29 AM
No, no. This is *her* Christmas present.Whoah!!!! Then the question has to be - "What have you done for which you feel this an appropriate price???":D:D;)

The other option is "The wife is a real jewel, and you are afraid some other guy would try to lure her away with a cheaper lathe!!":D:D

BTW, what wrapping paper goes well with Mustard!?!

Cliff Holmes
12-23-2009, 7:45 AM
BTW, what wrapping paper goes well with Mustard!?!

Just a big red bow. Kind of a McDonalds theme ...

And God has blessed me with *the* most wonderful wife of all time. I'm thrilled to find a great gift for the woman who never asks for anything.

Gary Herrmann
12-23-2009, 8:13 AM
You have to post pics of her reaction.

Bob Hampton
12-23-2009, 10:17 AM
post pic's?...hec we need a video!
Definatley gonna be a very nice present for her!!

Rob Cunningham
12-23-2009, 10:24 AM
Great gift Cliff. She's gonna love it.

Bill Wilcox
12-23-2009, 10:42 AM
WOW great gift and the excitement will be huge. You need to do a video of this cuz she will freak out !!!

Cliff Holmes
12-23-2009, 10:43 AM
post pic's?...hec we need a video!

I've been participating in online forums for almost 20 years (anyone remember usenet?). I've had some really bad experiences over the years to the point where I never post photos of myself or my family anymore. So, sorry guys, I'll be keeping those pics to myself.

Besides, there's a chance she'll deck me for spending so much money on her :eek:

Bill Bolen
12-23-2009, 12:04 PM
Heck, it's not my lathe and I'm freaking out!! She didn't even have to carry it to the shop and put it together!!! Someone is going to have a very merry Christmas...Bill..

Russ Denz
12-23-2009, 12:38 PM
I congratulate you on your taste in women; of course, I'm going to pat myself on the back in that regard, too, AND she (the LOML) has expressed an interest in turning (anyone see where this is going?). Too late for this Christmas, but once we get moved back to AZ, I think I'm going to surprise her!! Thanks for the tip!! and Merry Christmas to you all.

John Keeton
12-23-2009, 12:51 PM
...I never post photos of myself or my family anymore.Cliff, you are being very wise! I have been very visible over the years publicly, and with various web presence, so I don't mind having my pic out there. But, I never include my family in pics.

Mauricio Ulloa
12-23-2009, 2:28 PM
Awesome! I wished I had one of those! Hope you have lot's of creative fun with it!!!!!

ed hoxter
12-23-2009, 9:16 PM
i should have put one of them in my shop for my wife. she is a QUILTER great stocking stuffer. edsmyrna

ed hoxter
12-23-2009, 9:22 PM
i should have put one of them in my shop for my wife. she is a QUILTER her:mad: me:p nice stocking stuffer edsmyrna

Cliff Holmes
12-23-2009, 10:31 PM
Out with the old, in with the new ...

Randy Carver
12-24-2009, 7:19 AM
Wow, from an old monotube to Mustard! That's a heck of an upgrade!!