View Full Version : Lifting the 3520b headstock

Cliff Holmes
12-22-2009, 8:24 AM
I got sidetracked last week and never got around to assembling the lathe, so I gotta get going ...

Someone mentioned that the headstock weighs over 150 pounds. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to lift it onto the bed after I get the legs on. Do you think it would be OK to run a strap through the spindle hole and use a crane to lift it? Or will I rip the top off the headstock doing this?

My son and I could probably lift it, but I have a history of back problems and I'm worried about dropping it.

Greg Ketell
12-22-2009, 12:20 PM
My wife and I both have back problems but between us we lifted it into place. I lifted the motor (which is the heavy end) and she lifted the other side.

Lifting from the handle and the spindle should be fine. You won't hurt it unless you drop it. A spinning, out-of-balance log will generate far more force on the spindle than just lifting it gently into place.


Jim Slovik
12-22-2009, 2:19 PM
I just set up my 3520 a couple of weeks ago so I still vividly remember how heavy that headstock was. I had a neighbor help me put the headstock on the ways and although we are both relatively strong, I could see where one stumble or a slip could get somebody hurt or damage the machine. Your idea of putting a strap through the spindle and using a lift to raise it into position sounds like a winner.
By the way, you'll love the new lathe. Have fun and Merry Christmas.

Cliff Holmes
12-22-2009, 3:41 PM
Using the strap to lift the headstock worked beautifully. The only tip I'd pass along is that the balance point is at the juncture of the motor and headstock.

I'm not a particular fan of Powermatic. But this thing is niiiiiiice.

12-22-2009, 6:29 PM
One of the most useful things in my shop is the Harbor Freight hydraulic table. You can get it for under $200 on sale and it has many uses including moving the headstock, tailstock or the entire lathe. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=93116

Cliff Holmes
12-22-2009, 9:07 PM
Yes, I bought one last week. On sale + coupon = $160 !

It was great for assembling the lathe, especially holding the bed extension while bolting it on.

Jon McCoy
12-24-2009, 2:10 PM
+1 for the hydraulic table. I already had one for moving pinball machines around, and it worked great for assembling and moving the mustard around. I slid the headstock to the center of the ways while it was on the pallet, then two of us lifted one end at a time and carefully slid the whole works onto the lowered hydraulic table.

I raised the table high enough to attach the legs, then rolled the whole shebang into its new home. A bit of up & down to get the levelers dialed in just right, probably thirty minutes total unpacking & assembly.

You'll want to be very cautious when lifting or moving the headstock -- it won't balance well right-side-up, and if it falls over, nothing is cheap to fix/replace.
