View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
12-21-2009, 9:38 AM
21 Dec 2009

Good Morning Everyone,
Been a real busy week for me (last week) and this week shows promise of at least some time for relaxing and enjoying the family. I only have 3 Christmas Eve services that I am playing bass for and then I'm free for some R&R.

Finished up and shipped off 5 picture frames that I made from some reclaimed yellow heart pine. Stuff was so old and dry that it was brittle to a point. I had to make 8 frames in order to end up with 5 "keepers". Turned out pretty good if you ask me.

This year, I'm wanting to learn how to make chairs. That's just one more aspect of woodworking that I've wanted to do but just never got up the courage to try it. I guess I'll start my "research" after the beginning of the new year and see what I can come up with.

On Saturday, the family and I participated in the local Conway Regional Hospital toy run. We had several people in car and a total of 83 bikers that rode in and delivered toys for the kids in the hospital. What a worthy cause and a great way to serve the community at large.

Well, it's back to getting stuff done around here and taking it easy so my back will hopefully get over this pulled muscle of mine. I hate having a pulled muscle in my back.!!!

Well, that's it for me.
So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.....AND......Merry Christmas to you and your families.

Cary Falk
12-21-2009, 10:38 AM
I spent the weekend working on doors and a frame to make a kitchen pantry out of a closet. This is for a friend of mine. The space has a regular door on it and has limited access. I got it stained yesterday but the finish wasn't drying very well. I hope to have it completed by christmas eve.


JohnT Fitzgerald
12-21-2009, 10:47 AM
No shop time at all this weekend. I've been a little under the weather, so I've beeen trying to get rest when I can. We did have a few holiday parties on Saturday, and yesterday was mostly spent outside cleaning up after the snowstorm. I have a few nights of wrapping the kids' gifts this week, so I'm not sure if I'll ever get a 220v line run for the TS....but that can wait.

Dave Sharpe
12-21-2009, 10:50 AM
Didn't exactly MAKE anything, but returned from a two week trip to Hawaii hauling home two checked bags full of Hawaiian Koa, Mango and Monkey Pod. The LOML (who went willingly - hence earning the title) and I visited with Ken from Paradise Hardwoods in Hilo, as well as Thomas, his neighboring furniture maker who shared a tour of his workshop with us, and Dan Deluz, a nearbu turner who seems to be the local Kahuna of turning. At each place we picked up a bit more wood, and discovered that even paying the checked bag fees at Hawaiian airlines was cheaper than shipping wood home via UPS or Fedex. I've never been happy to return from a vacation, but this time I can look forward to creating something tangible from the memories....

Matt Meiser
12-21-2009, 11:41 AM
Saturday I spent the whole day with some other guys from our club helping Creeker Damon Marxer get his cyclone and ductwork installed. Sunday morning, since LOMLjr was at my parents' Santa pre-wired in all the cabling for the Wii he'll be bringing Thursday night. And Sunday afternoon we spent at my parents since my brothers are in town.

Dave Gaul
12-21-2009, 12:05 PM
I spent more time in my shop this weekend than EVER! Crunch time on the drawing table for my eldest daughter for a Christmas present. Finishing touches today, then the finish. The closer I've come to finishing construction, the more complicated it has become! Has to be done and set up in her room by 7 PM on Christmas Eve! (she comes home from her mom's then.. I have custody of my girls!)

Chris Kehl
12-21-2009, 2:46 PM
I've spent some quality time in the shop over the last couple of weeks making gifts for Christmas. I've made 3 sets of Cornhole boards, 3 jewelry boxes and 6 picture frames. Just finished the polyurethane on the frames and boxes last night, some felt in the jewelry boxes, and some lexan for the picture frames and they'll be all done. Just in time! I'll try to post some pictures. Have a great Holiday!

Dave Sepucha
12-21-2009, 3:39 PM
I made a small gift for my Dad. I'm pretty excited as this is the first thing I've made for anyone other than myself. It's a very simple tray for things like a wallet and keys. But this is my first experiment with box joints. I learned a lot, and all in all I'm pleased, though next time I will definitely clamp things up tighter.


Dan Gill
12-21-2009, 3:43 PM
I finished 5 cutting boards, started on a sixth, and completed a little countertop shelf for cookbooks. I had way too much of this stuff to do last week. And my router died. I had to borrow my brother-in-law's router to finish, and it is not my favorite piece of equipment.

I'm going to have to stop selling the cutting boards and stuff through my friend's website. I must make at least $5 an hour doing this, and it seems like the week before Christmas is always a big pain in the butt. It's just not worth it.

Jacob Mac
12-21-2009, 6:16 PM
I tried doing wwing this weekend, but mostly just spent time setting up my new to me FMT. Surprisingly, I had some frustrations getting it set up. But, I think I have it figured out now. I also cut some cloud lifts in the rails of my wife's nightstand table I am working on. But, there is no way I am getting it done before Christmas.

Aside from that, I went to my firm's Christmas party, and played with my son. We built a toy jet and played some Mega Man. Pretty fun, actually.

Jim Becker
12-21-2009, 11:04 PM
Ooh...ooh...ooh!! I was in the shop this weekend...milled up the 1/4" walnut for trim on the "Taj Mahal" tack trunk I need to build for the fellow I recently bought my dressage saddle from. (It's part of the payment along with a large pile of money...) Now I just need to find a way to get the snow off my trailer and get said trailer down off the hill so I can pick up the sheet goods I need to build the trunk. Mother nature provided 10" of snow this past weekend.

Otherwise, the weekend had the usual riding lessons and taking care of this:


John Oothoudt
12-21-2009, 11:19 PM
lets see I got to start playing with my new toys, I got a new Delta bandsaw and new 52" Delta table saw. I had met the local
Delta rep at a show and he called me when stuff went on sale and helped me get it all shiped. I got both set up and used the boxes for the kids to make a fort on their side of the shop. Just need to get a 220 extension cord from the ceiling down to my saw to really play. Maybe one of these days I can get back to building some shop cabinets. Or even get you guys some pictures of my 36x40 play room.